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"Anyways, it's one of the oldest unsolved murders to this day," MJ says, referring to the Black Dahlia murder.

She's been talking about it since she, Ned, Peter, and Eloise sat down at the small Times Square cafe. The four friends are sat in a booth next to a window that outlooks the buzzing city. Ned and Peter sit on one side of the table, Eloise and MJ on the other. Since school has ended for the summer, Ned suggested they all hang out at MJ's favorite cafe to celebrate surviving their junior year.

Eloise moves her food around her plate silently as the others talk and joke around. Her mind feels too busy to enjoy being with the three, her thoughts swirling around losing two of her closest friends and Cliff finding out that she's Shadow. She sighs and leans her head on her hand, her fork barely touching her food as she pushes it around.

Peter notices her mood and tries to catch her eyes, but her gaze is downcast towards her full plate.

Ned asks MJ about something concerning the infamous murder story. With the two engaged in their own conversation, Peter lightly taps Eloise's foot under the table with his own. She looks up from her dish.

Peter, brow pulled forward in concern, says quietly, "Are you okay? You haven't touched your food."

Eloise tries a smile, but Peter sees the way it doesn't reach her eyes or make the small dimples appear in her cheeks.

"I'm just not that hungry."

He doesn't fall for her lie but lets it slide, making a mental note to talk to her later when they're not in public. Peter lets his eyes linger on Eloise before tuning back into Ned and Mj's conversation. Instead of murderers being the topic they're talking about, MJ and Ned are arguing over the best pizza place in New York.

Eloise feels guilty for making Peter worry. She clears her throat and sits up, a new smile that's just as forced but more believable on her face. Trying to make her voice sound chipper, Eloise says, "I heard that Lombardi's pizza is good."

MJ shakes her head. "Their dough is too thin."

"I like it when pizza is crispy," Ned comments. MJ gives him a look and he shrugs. "What? I do."

Peter picks up a French fry from his plate to eat, but as he raises it to his mouth, he suddenly pauses. Eloise catches the action and watches him from the corner of her eye. Peter frowns and turns to the window, his brow furrowed. Eloise recognizes the look on his face and grows nervous. He always gets like this when he senses danger, and she can only wonder what it will be and when it will strike. Sometimes the danger is small like someone spilling coffee, and sometimes it's something more massive such as an explosion.

Just as Ned catches on to Peter's anxious anticipation, people running flood the streets outside. All four teens turn and stare wide-eyed out of the window as civilians run like hell away from the person who has been terrorizing Peter's thoughts and haunting Eloise in her sleep.

Zagan casually walks down Times Square with his signature cape and gelled-back hair. He's wearing his infamous smirk as he watches the people running from him, screaming. Eloise doesn't know what he did to create the chaos, but he is enjoying it.

"What's going on?" Ned exclaims, rising from his seat and leaning across the table to get a better look out the window.

Zagan throws a small mechanical sphere at a cluster of cars in a traffic jam. Upon impact, an explosion throws the cars and multiple people into the air and onto the ground.

From the Shadows | PETER PARKER [2]Where stories live. Discover now