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School feels so small lately. After almost dying a few times and aiding her friends in saving the world, Eloise just doesn't see the importance in the little things of high school. The gossip she hears in the halls and the constant complaining from her peers just seems unnecessary. There just seems to be things going on that are bigger than high school, like the whole Zagan situation that Peter is trying to crack. Eloise and Ned tried to convince Peter that he needs to stay the friendly neighborhood Spider-Man before, but Eloise knows that Peter is secretly trying to track the villain down. He knows nothing of Eloise's knowledge of his secret investigating, and even though Eloise told Peter no to chase after this villain, she doesn't confront him about it. She doesn't want him to get hurt, but she also doesn't want to hold him back from his potential. If he thinks he can stop Zagan, then Eloise will be there to patch him up once he's done.

Keeping Peter's Spider-Man secret has been getting harder and harder for Eloise, probably because it has become such a normal thing in her life and she talks freely about it with Ned and Peter. She almost lets his secret identity slip when Alev and Elena are talking during lunch about Spider-Man and Captain America teaming up to save Stark that one time. She physically has to cover her mouth with her hand before she lets out Peter's name.

Elena gives Eloise an odd look for her abrupt silence. "What?"

"Nothing." Eloise slowly says into her hand, trying to come up with an excuse. "I just. . . I have really bad breath."

Elena snorts. Across from her, Alev pulls out a small pack of gum from her bag sitting on the ground next to her. "I have gum?"

"Thanks." Eloise lets her hand fall to the table and takes the stick of gum Alev offers with her other. She gives her a grateful smile before unwrapping the piece and popping it into her mouth. 

Lucy plops down at the lunch table next to Elena, followed by Cliff and Luis. She's wearing the same shade of lipstick from the night before.

"I'm ready for summer," Lucy proclaims. "I'm ready for hot weather, tans, and popsicles."

"I'm ready for school to be out," Luis before taking a gulp from his water bottle. His eyes widen in realization. "Hey, after this summer we're seniors."

"It feels like we were in middle school just yesterday," Elena says with a nostalgic smile playing on her full lips. "Man, time flies."

Lucy sits up straight, her face lit up with an idea. "Hey, let's make summer resolutions."

Cliff's face contorts in distaste for the idea. "Why the hell would be do that?"

"Because it'll be fun and goals are important." Lucy fixes her hair and nods at Luis, who is sitting at the end of the table, to start.

His brow pulls forward as he thinks. "Hm. I think skinny dipping would be fun."

Elena gags. "Ew, no."

"I never said you have to come with me, hermana."

Lucy sets her palms on the table and leans forward with a bright smile. "Well, I know what I want to do this summer."

"Get a life?" Luis snickers.

Lucy ignores his irrelevant comment and says, "I want to find a boyfriend. Is Peter available?" Lucy directs the question to a stunned Eloise.

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