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"Breaking news: Midtown High School of Science and Technology was attacked last night during a spring dance. Students can be seen running from the gymnasium where the attack occurred just seconds after the explosion. The culprit of the attack has yet to be identified, as are the motives for such a horrific crime. Luckily, there were no fatalities, but there were four that were sent to the hospital and are in good condition as of this morning."

Eloise watches the news with the remote clutched tightly in her hand. Her stomach churns as the news channel replays the explosion and aftermath the security cameras caught in the gym and surrounding area. Seeing the terrified faces of the students, even though she did not know them personally, sends a pang through her chest.

Eloise barely blinks as she stares at the screen. The severity of the whole event didn't hit her until she woke up this morning with her chest tight and her breaths shallow.

Just when things were starting to get good, everything seems to crash all around her again. Eloise was healing from her experiences being controlled by Russo and wasn't getting terror-ridden nightmares every night anymore. She could actually get a restful night's sleep. Sure, she didn't have completely blissful nights every single night, but it was a lot better than when she first came home after her traumatic experience. Last night was the first night in a while Eloise has had such a terrifying nightmare.

Still in shock, Eloise doesn't hear her mother's heels clicking against the wooden floors as she walks down the hallway into the living room. Mrs. Jones is adjusting the collar of her crisp white button-up as she stops behind the chair her daughter is sitting in, and shifts her attention to the screen.

"That's too bad, Midtown is really a good school. Such a shame." Mrs. Jones checks her watch. "I'm off to work, make sure you load the dishwasher and wash the dishes before I get home. Also, your father is working in the Brooklyn branch today, so he'll be home late."

Mrs. Jones doesn't wait for Eloise's response before she turns and picks up her purse from the kitchen counter, then walks straight out the front door.

Eloise glances at her phone. Sighing at the time, she turns the TV screen off and pushes herself out of the chair. She sets the remote down and sluggishly steps into the kitchen where her backpack is. Lifting the bag and pulling it over her shoulders takes all her energy and she doesn't think she'll be able to go to school today.

Nonetheless, Eloise takes the apartment keys and walks out the front door and locks it behind her.

"Good morning."

She glances at her right. Peter, a small smile playing on his lips, is also locks his apartment door as he's about to leave for school. He tilts his head to the side and slightly narrows his eyes at Eloise.

"Hey, Peter," She replies quietly. She avoids eye-contact and turns to walk down the hall towards the elevator.

Peter frowns and follows. "Are you okay?"

"Just tired," Eloise tells him, brushing off her mood. "Last night was. . . a lot."

"Yeah." He watches her as he matches her pace. He doesn't say anything else as the two of them enter the elevator and ride it to the ground floor.

They don't talk the rest of the way to school, excluding Peter's short goodbye when they reach Park East. He continues on to his school as Eloise enters hers.

From the Shadows | PETER PARKER [2]Where stories live. Discover now