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Peter drops the milk carton into the basket hooked in his arm, stepping over to the cheese section. His brow furrows as he tries to remember what kind May asked for, and he ends up picking the one that smells the least terrible.

May is taking one of her coworker's shifts because he is a new father, so she sent Peter out to get their groceries. She made a quick list that left out many details that Peter deems crucial as he stares at the variety of brands for tomato paste, not having the slightest clue as to which brand May usually buys.

Peter guesses which brand she likes and reaches out for a can of tomato paste, but his hand stops before he can grab the it. A chill runs down his spine, goosebumps arising on the back of his neck and a tingling sensation spreading between his ears. He scans the small grocery store for any signs of danger and slowly sets the basket of groceries on the tiled floor.

His head whips around at the sound of the front doors opening. A man in a black sweatshirt with dark sunglasses and striking features enters the local grocer, one hand casually hanging from the front pocket of his jeans. Peter recognizes the man immediately and ducks when his gaze sweeps Peter's way.

"Since when do supervillains go grocery shopping?" Peter mutters under his breath, his heart hammering anxiously from the casual presence of Zagan. Peter rises to his tiptoes and peers over the short aisle of foods. He locates Zagan picking up a basket from a stack and heading towards the cereal aisle.

Peter crouches low and creeps around to the end of the aisle he's hiding in, his head peeking out as he watches the man pick up a box of strawberry pop-tarts. Silently, Peter checks to make sure he's still wearing his advanced web-shooters before pressing his fingers to the middle of his palm. A small tracker robot that resembles a spider pops out and crawls across the floor towards Zagan's shoes.

Just as the tracker is about to crawl up and attach itself to his shoe, Zagan's glasses slip down his nose as he looks down, his bright yellow eyes zeroing-in in the bot as he stomps on it.

Peter's eyes widen and he bolts back behind the shelves. He cringes as the shelves shake slightly at the contact his back makes with it. He looks up at the ceiling, praying Zagan didn't see him, but then he hears the sound of shoes slowly walking towards him.

He immediately takes off to escape the aisle, but before he can make it out, a voice makes him halt in his tracks.

"Are these your groceries, young man?"

Peter turns and faces an elderly man with slicked back, thinning white hair and a mustache holding out the basket of groceries Peter had set down.

Smiling politely, Peter takes the basket from the man and feels slightly less nervous at the sight of his dark brown eyes. "Yeah, thanks, I guess I forgot I put it down."

The old man pats Peter's shoulder and walks past him, saying, "Don't worry 'bout it, I do that sometimes too."

Peter immediately dives back into super hero mode and peers over the shelf for Zagan, but he doesn't see him. Frowning, he walks around the entire store and still finds no signs of him even being in the building. He forgets about the rest of the groceries May put on the list and quickly pays for the ones collected in the basket. He swiftly exits the store and searches the street for Zagan, but to no avail. He heaves out a sigh and heads home so he can grab his Spider-Man suit and search the city thoroughly.

From the Shadows | PETER PARKER [2]Where stories live. Discover now