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"Excuse the interruption," a voice crackles over the speakers in the classrooms in the beginning of third period. Eloise looks up from her notes and listens to the announcement. "Park East will be attending a convocation tomorrow at Midtown during the last three classes of the day. The speaker will talk about the importance of education and staying drug-free, you won't want to miss it."

Eloise glances over at a group of students in the back of the classroom who are whispering to each other instead of paying attention. They mock the announcement and say something about how they like convocations as long as they get to get out of class. Honestly, Eloise kind of agrees. The purpose of the assemblies are good, but the speakers usually don't get through to the students. There's a convocation once a year, and every year the two other schools in the county and Park East travel to Midtown to watch the speaker. The convocations are usually towards the end of the school year, and for that Eloise is grateful. At this time of the semester all she's been doing in class is preparing for the final or learning the last-minute lesson the teachers decide to squeeze in.  The trips to Midtown are always a nice break.

The rest of third period flies by and before she knows it, Eloise is standing at the front of the cafeteria. Students are buzzing at their lunch tables, excited for the end of the school year. Eloise locates her lunch table and sees Lucy, Elena, Alev, and Cliff. They're talking animatedly as they eat the school's stale pizza on the faded red trays. An unfamiliar sinking feeling pools in her stomach at the sight of Lucy. The girl has been Eloise's friend for who knows how long, but now Eloise only feels one of three ways when she's around her: guilty, tired, or frustrated.

She stays unmoving at the front of the busy cafeteria until a student bumps into her shoulder as they pass. They mutter a quick apology that Eloise barely registers. Her eyes stay locked on her friends for another beat before she rips her gaze away and turns, walking out of the loud space.

The library is empty when Eloise pushes through the double doors. The only other occupant other than Eloise is the elderly librarian, who is busy reading a thick novel. She doesn't even look up at the sound of the doors opening.

When the doors close behind Eloise, she feels the anxieties she didn't even realize she had leave her as she exhales deeply. She walks down one of two isles of books, wondering why she hasn't been to the school's library lately. She has always been a big reader, but she has been too distracted to get invested in another book. Now, with her friendship with one of her oldest friends slipping through her fingers, Eloise is in dire need of a good book to take her away from reality for a while.

It doesn't take long for her to take a book from its shelf and crack it open, diving right in. She sits in the corner so she's hidden by a bookshelf  as she reads.

As she flips through the pages, she vaguely hears the bells ringing as classes go by. She doesn't move from her spot until the last bell rings, dismissing the students from school for the day.


"I have to be honest, I kinda resent you two," Ned says through the speaker of Peter's phone. The device is set on the ledge of a building's roof between Eloise and Peter so they can both talk to Ned at the same time.

It's almost ten o'clock at night, and it's the first time Eloise is out on patrol with Peter. It's also the first time she gets to use her new suit. It fits a lot tighter than her old outfit, but it allows her to move more freely and look more legitimate.

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