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"No no no no," Ned mutters, his eyes glued to the screen as his avatar is chased in the video game he, Eloise, and Peter are playing.

Peter hangs upside down from the ceiling between Ned and Eloise on the floor, Eloise lying on her stomach with her elbows propped up on the carpet. His brow is pulled forward in concentration, and he elbows Ned when his avatar gets in his way on screen. Eloise was never a huge gamer, but she finds herself growing more and more competitive as she plays with Ned and Peter. The two are constantly bickering about who is going to win as Eloise silently gains more points than the other two.

The clicking sound of the three friends'
video game controllers as they play is the main sound in Peter's small bedroom. Sometimes the boys will gasp because they come close to death in the game, but other than that, there's not a lot of talking between the three friends.

The round ends and Ned sets his controller on the ground as he leans back on his hands. "Okay, who won?" He asks. "My score's seventy-four."

Peter frowns and detaches himself from the ceiling. He lands with a soft thump on his feet. "I only got sixty," he says, disappointed. He sits down in the space between Ned and Eloise and asks, "What's your final score, El?"

"It's not that good," she says, but her smile betrays her as she pretends to act sad. "I only got ninety-two points."

Ned turns to her with shock. She laughs.

"What? How?" He sputters. "Wasn't this your first time playing this game?"

She shrugs and says smugly, "I guess I'm just a natural."

Peter narrows her eyes at the girl. "Or a cheater."

"You guys are just sore losers," she scoffs.

Ned starts to set up the next game, but his phone buzzes and he looks down at it. He rolls his eyes before sliding it back into his pocket. "I have to go, dinner's almost ready." He pushes himself off the carpet and brushes his pants off.

Peter stands. "You can stay for dinner if you'd like, May's making spaghetti."

"She is?" Eloise asks, then lifts her nose into the air and inhales. She faintly smells the aroma of the red sauce, garlic, and herbs. Her mouth instantly starts to water at the smell, it has been a while since she's had May's amazing spaghetti. The last time she was over for dinner and May prepared the pasta Eloise felt like she gained a hundred pounds.

Peter smiles down at Eloise with her button nose in the air before eventually turning back to Ned. Ned raises his brow at the unnecessarily long time he was watching Eloise. Peter blushes and says, "Yeah, she is."

Ned glances between the two before tilting his head and saying, "As good as May's spaghetti is, I'm going to have to pass."

Eloise looks up at Ned with surprise. He never declines an opportunity to have May's cooking.

"I'm going to stay for dinner, you should too Ned," She suggests.

Ned shrugs. "I think my mom wants me home for dinner since I wasn't yesterday." He moves to the door and says over his shoulder as he leaves, "See you later guys, have fun!"

When the door shuts behind him, Eloise rolls onto her back. Peter looks down at her and she looks up at him.

"It is okay if I stay for dinner, right?" She asks as she holds out her hands.

From the Shadows | PETER PARKER [2]Where stories live. Discover now