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"Kansas?" Lucy repeats, pulling a face. "Why the hell were you in Kansas?"

Eloise shuts her locker and turns to Elena and Lucy, both of whom are watching her with incredulous expressions.

"Family," Eloise replies simply as she starts to walk down the hall with her friends. Elena and Lucy share a look before following Eloise.

Elena bumps shoulders with Eloise, her brow furrowed. "I didn't know you had family in Kansas."

"Really? I never mentioned it?"

Lucy rolls her eyes and and adjusts the folder and book in her arms. "Anyways, have you guys heard about that new super hero? They're calling her the Shadow or some shit."

Eloise holds back a smile and just shakes her head, pretending like she has no idea what Lucy is talking about. Elena's eyes light up and she asks, "Is she the one that brought down that gang?"

"Supposedly," Lucy corrects Elena, and Eloise's forehead creases. What does she mean supposedly? Lucy doesn't notice Eloise's expression and continues on, "I mean, everyone's calling her a super hero when she obviously isn't one. That crazy lady on the news said that she was wearing a hoodie and got knocked over by a dog. I guess the media's crowning everyone an Avenger these days."

"Why are you being so rude, what did she ever do to you?" Eloise asks sharply. She's usually really good at keeping her temper, but she can't help herself. She didn't do anything wrong, all she did was return a stolen purse and get a violent gang off the streets. Lucy should at least be grateful for what the new hero did, especially since she lives in the area the gang hung out around.

Lucy and Elena are shocked by Eloise's uncharacteristic attitude. Lucy laughs awkwardly and says, "Um, nothing, but all she's trying to do is steal Spider-Man's thunder. He's doing a good job keeping Queens safe, we don't need another freak on the streets."

Eloise stops in the middle of the hallway and both her friends halt as well, causing the few students that were walking behind them to step around the three. Eloise's fists clench at her sides as she tries to keep her cool.

Elena gives her a once-over. "What's wrong?" She questions with sincerity.

"Nothing, I'll talk to you guys later." Eloise avoids her friends' eyes and turns around, walking the opposite direction they were headed. She hears Elena call after her about her next class being the other way, but she shuts her voice out as she walks against the current of the sea of students.

Eloise is so caught up in her anger and frustration that she accidentally runs into a tall student. The impact sends a sharp pain through the healing wound in her abdomen and she winces.

"Hey, sorry about that."

Eloise looks up at the familiar voice and hides her pain with a smile as Cliff looks down at her with concern. "No, I'm sorry, I should have been paying better attention."

"You alright?" Cliff asks suspiciously, eyes narrowed slightly.

Eloise nods and tries to sell the smile by widening it, but it probably looks even more fake than before. "Oh yeah, never better." Cliff crosses his arms and goes to talk again, but she cuts him off. "I've got to get to class, see you later Clifford!"

From the Shadows | PETER PARKER [2]Where stories live. Discover now