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Home is a relative term. Eloise has only been living in the Avengers compound for a few months, but she feels more at home there than she ever did in her parents' apartment that she had lived in for years. Her new room is a few doors down from Bucky's, Steve's, Wanda's, and Natasha's. She has passed Natasha in the hall once, and Eloise quickly went to her room to fangirl to MJ over the phone. It's also nice being able to walk through the compound without trying to avoid confrontation with her parents. Eloise went to the main kitchen area during the night for a snack the other night, and when Tony came in for a glass of water, she was surprised he only smiled and made conversation with her. If she's baking at ungodly times during the night, no one yells at her for making a commotion in the kitchen. Bucky once walked in on Eloise taking muffins out of the oven at two in the morning. She's surrounded by people who don't see her as a burden and who seem to actually understand her. It's refreshing, to say the least.

The biggest upside to living in the compound, however, has to be the fact that Eloise can blast her music as loud as she wants without anyone else hearing due to the sound proof walls. No more parents banging on her door, shouting at her to turn down her "fake music." She can dance, sing, and pretend she's performing to a live audience with her new bed as the stage. Although she hasn't felt like doing so in a while, lately, she has been feeling more upbeat—happier, lighter, and just better. She still has her nightmares, but she's not alone, and for once she doesn't feel alone.

Peter has been a reoccurring character at the compound. Most of the time, he's not even there to work with Tony, he's visiting Eloise. They spar, watch movies, cuddle, play board games, and just hang out together. Of course Ned and MJ are welcome at the compound, too. Friday nights are now the group of four teens' gaming nights. The first two Fridays it was just them, but then Wanda Maximoff joined, and then Steve, and now about half of the Avengers. Not many teenagers can say they have game nights with half of the Avengers every week.

Today is a Monday, just after school ended for the day. Eloise is sat at the large dinner table with her homework spread out in front of her. She's working on a worksheet for her Organic Chemistry class—a class she would have never even thought about taking the year prior. Without her parents breathing down her neck with only words of disappointment about everything she does, Eloise doesn't feel the need to purposely refuse to be in smarter classes. She works hard, but she doesn't overwork herself past her limits. Since Park East doesn't offer Organic Chemistry, Eloise goes to Midtown half-day. This way, she has Organic Chemistry with Ned and Peter, an English Rhetoric class with MJ, and lunch with her three best friends.

Eloise tries to ignore the fact that everyone knows about her secret identity when she's around her classmates because it just alienates her. Stares are thrown her way, and people whisper in the halls. Students come up to her and ask for pictures on rare occasions, but it does happen, and she has to hold back a laugh every time. Peter is fairing about the same with his classmates. He's no longer called "Penis Parker" or bullied by Flash Thompson. In fact, the two actually seem to be becoming sort-of friends.

The door slides open behind Eloise. She straightens from crouching over her homework and turns, her back popping satisfyingly. When Eloise's eyes meet Peter's, she sends him a warm smile. He's in his school clothes still, worn jeans and a nerdy graphic t-shirt on.

"Hey, Peterman Spiderparker," Eloise teases as Peter walks over to her at the table. He sets his car keys down on the surface and chuckles fondly, bending down and landing a quick, but affectionate, kiss on her lips.

"Isn't that getting old?" He slides in to the chair next to hers and glances at the papers strewn about.

Eloise turns back to her homework. Marking something down, she says, "Nope, never." She looks up. "So what's new since I saw you at lunch?"

"Not much," Peter shrugs, but then his eyes light up and he lightly smacks the table. "Oh, wait! I just remembered, here, hold on."

Eloise watches as Peter leans to the side, digging into his front pocket. He pulls out a little black sphere and motions for Eloise's hand. When she holds it out, he rolls it into her palm. She rolls the sphere around in her hand before sliding it between her fingers and bringing it close to her face to examine it.

Peter taps his fingers against the smooth table excitedly. "I finally made you those black smoke bombs."

Eloise beams at Peter and lightly punches his arm. "No way! I thought you forgot about it."

"Nah, I have just been busy, as usual," he explains, then adds, "Oh, and I made you a belt thing that holds them for you. It's pretty cool."

Eloise closes her fist around the sphere in her hand and leans forward, wrapping her arms around Peter's neck and resting her chin on his shoulder.

He laughs and hugs her back.

"Thank you so much, Peter! You're literally the best boyfriend ever." She presses a kiss against his cheek before letting go of him, but keeps her hands on his arms.

Peter smiles at the girl in front of him and shrugs. "You're the best girlfriend ever, so I guess we're perfect for each other?"

"Why did you say it like it's a question?" Eloise narrows her eyes.

"I don't know?"

She shoves him lightly with her hand on his chest, but Peter takes her hand in his and pulls her closer. He captures their lips in a sweet, gentle kiss that sends chills down Eloise's back and stirs the butterflies in her stomach.

"Egh, my eyes!"

Peter and Eloise break apart, their heads turning to Bucky standing in the entrance with Steve at his side. Bucky has his hands covering his eyes and gags dramatically. Steve rolls his eyes and walks forward towards the refrigerator.

"Hey, Buck," Eloise greets, her cheeks glowing red.

Bucky's eyes narrow at her and Peter's close proximity. He motions between the two of them with his metal hand. "You guys are too close; scoot your chair back some, Peter."

Blushing, Peter follows Bucky's instructions and scoots his chair an inch away. Bucky raises his brow, and Peter scoots back another inch. Satisfied, Bucky follows Steve to the refrigerator.

Eloise leans back in her chair with a sigh. That's the only downfall about living at the Avengers facility: Bucky lurking around every corner, making sure Eloise and Peter don't get too close. They could just be holding hands and Bucky would give Peter a threatening glare.

Pulling out an empty milk carton, Bucky turns to Eloise with an unamused look. "Why didn't you say we were out of milk? I just went shopping yesterday."

Eloise shrugs. "I left some in there."

Bucky shakes the carton. He scoffs. "Yeah, like a teaspoon."

"We're not out of there's still a teaspoon in there."

Steve points at Eloise and turns to Bucky. "Technically, she's right."

Groaning, Bucky slams the refrigerator door closed. He sets the milk carton on the counter and grabs a plum from the fruit basket. Biting into the fruit and walking out of the room, he points at Peter and Eloise.

"I'm watching you two, no funny business."

Steve rolls his eyes and follows his friend out of the room, leaving Peter and Eloise in the kitchen by themselves. When the adults are out of earshot, the two turn to each other and laugh.

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