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Eloise doesn't talk to Mason again. Every time she sees him she sees Zagan. She knows it's not Mason's fault and that he doesn't deserve to be ignored by her all of a sudden, especially not after the attack, but she just can't bring herself to talk to him. He still sends her snapchats and will text her, but she doesn't respond to any. He's tried to approach her after school when she was about to walk home with Ned and Peter, but she made an excuse to get away quickly. Eloise doesn't walk home with Peter and Ned anymore.

Most of Eloise's time is spent on doing homework and chores around the house. She can't sleep without having nightmares, so she fills that time with her studies. This cycle has been going on for a week now, and her grades have gone up considerably. She's actually pleasing her parents for once.

On Friday after school Eloise is just going through the motions. She tells Elena, Lucy, Cliff, Alev, and Luis to have a good weekend after declining an invitation to hang out. On her way outside the school she looks up from her feet and locks eyes with familiar brown eyes.

Peter and Ned, for some reason, are standing outside on the sidewalk of Park East. Even though she doesn't feel like talking, Eloise walks over to the two boys.

"What are you guys doing here?" She asks, standing in front of Ned and Peter.

Ned tugs on the straps of his backpack and asks, "Why did you stop walking with us after school?"

Eloise glances between the two boys. She tries to come up with a good excuse, but comes up empty.

Peter notices her struggle and asks hesitantly, "Did we do something wrong. . .?"

Eloise's eyes widen. "No! No, you guys didn't do anything, I'm sorry," She rushes out and runs her hand through her messy hair. "It's just, it's Mason, not you guys."

The boys frown. Peter crosses his arms and asks with a mixture of concern and anger, "Did he do something to you?"

"No, he didn't do anything," she confesses. "I just see Zagan every time I see Mason, and I don't think I can deal with that."

"Oh thank goodness, I thought you randomly decided to hate us," Ned lets out in one long breath.

Eloise furrows her brow. Did they actually think she hated them? How could she hate Ned, the funny and kind-spirited friend she knows she can lean on when she's stressed? And how could she ever hate Peter, her first kiss, her rock, and the person who trusts her with his biggest secrets? Guilt seeps in, but she doesn't let it show and instead smiles.

"How could I ever hate you guys?" Eloise slings an arm over both of the boys' shoulders. Since Ned is a bit taller than Peter, Eloise is a little off balance but she doesn't mind. She plants a kiss on both of their cheeks. Ned laughs whereas Peter's face flushes as he bites back a smile. "Sorry for making you guys feel like that. It's all me, not either of you."

"It's fine, don't feel bad about it," Peter says, his cheeks still glowing red.

Ned gasps. "Is today Friday?"

"Yeah," Peter replies, not following.

Eloise lets her arms fall from the boys' shoulders as Ned fist-pumps the air. When he notices Peter and Eloise watching him with confused and lost expressions, his happiness deflates and his shoulders sag.

From the Shadows | PETER PARKER [2]Where stories live. Discover now