extra scene 1

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Just weeks ago—days, even—Flash Thompson shoved Peter out of his way in the halls of Midtown Tech. Flash looked at Peter as though he was the scum of the earth, someone below him who doesn't deserve respect. He called him "Penis Parker" because he thought it was clever and demeaning. Every chance he got, he made sure to let Peter know how much of a loser he was. How he only had, like, two friends and never did anything cool.

Now, only a week after Zagan's attack on Queens, Flash watches Peter roaming the halls of Midtown for the first time since his identity reveal like a ghost. It's no secret Flash is a Spider-Man super-fan, in fact he was very outspoken about how highly he thought of the neighborhood masked hero. Never in a million years would he have thought that Peter Parker—Penis Parker—is the hero he's been idolizing for the past two years.

Peter doesn't have a scratch on him anymore, and he looks normal, not like he was recently in a fight against an Avengers-level villain. Nope, there Peter is, standing at his locker, ignoring all the stares, pretending like everything was normal. He's talking to Ned about the latest Star Wars movie being a bust when he closes his locker and turns.

Flash quickly averts his eyes. He tries to ignore Peter as he walks past him, but he can't help but think of how poorly he treated him. How could he be so mean towards Spider-Man? Why did he take it? Peter has super-strength and fighting skills, why didn't he ever fight back?

The sound of Peter's footsteps echo in his mind as they near. Unable to bear it, Flash musters up what's left of his pride and turns.

"Hey, Peter."

Peter and Ned simultaneously turn their heads. Confusion fills Peter's eyes when he realizes Flash is talking to him and that he actually called him by his name.

"Um . . ." Peter glances back at Ned before turning back to Flash, stepping up to him with apprehension. "Yeah?"

Flash blinks. He takes it in: he's really talking to Spider-Man. Well, technically he's spoken to him like a million times before, but now that he isn't oblivious to his double life, he can feel the nerves taking over.

Peter waits, not sure what's going on.

Flash takes a deep breath. "I'm sorry, I know I've been a dick to you. Even if you weren't Spider-Man and you were still a loser, it wasn't cool."

Peter tilts his head to the side and pulls a face. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. Flash Thompson, apologizing? This has to be a joke or something, what's the punch line?

Flash gives Peter what he hopes is a convincing smile. "We good, man?"

Peter, unsure of what to do, just nods. "Um, yeah."

Flash nods as well, then awkwardly shuffles away, leaving Peter and Ned to watch after him as he turns a corner. A few beats of silence pass between the friends. Then, Ned laughs.

"That was weird."

Peter looks back and lets out a breathy laugh. "Definitely. But hopefully that means no more Penis Parker."


Ned and Peter do their handshake.

~the end~

Okay so hey y'all I'm back. Some people requested that I write an extra scene where Flash and Peter interact after Peter's identity is revealed, and I wasn't really planning on writing it, but then I got bored and decided to just do it. It's short and all, but I actually kinda like it. I don't know.

Anyways, are there any other scenes you'd like to see? I think someone suggested a father-daughter scene with Bucky and Eloise? I'm not making any promises I'll write a bunch of extra scenes, but if I have some free time and writer's block then I'll definitely try to.

Thanks! I hope everyone is doing well! I love you & God loves you!!!

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