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Eloise feels the beat in her heart. The music pumping out of the speakers is loud enough where you can't hear what the person next to you is saying without shouting. The volume causes her head spin, but it also makes her feel alive.

She was asked to Midtown's spring formal by Mason Stevens, a tall, lanky kid who's basketball skills are as good as his academic skills. He's actually pretty close to passing Peter as top of their class already. Mason is also new to Midtown, and the only reason why Eloise even knows who he was is because he came over to Peter's place to practice for the Decathlon. Eloise didn't realize Peter had someone over and went next door to return his sweatshirt she borrowed the night before. When Peter opened the door, she caught sight of Mason behind Peter. She just smiled at him, and Mason introduced himself. One thing lead to another, and Eloise ended up crashing their practice as they all just hung out. Not even two weeks after, Mason asked Eloise to Midtown's spring formal as friends—and who was Eloise to say no to a friend?

So, here they are, dancing on the dance floor surrounded by a bunch of people Eloise doesn't know. She recognizes a few faces, like Michelle from Midtown's Decathlon team. She also sees Ned, who went to the dance with Michelle, and Flash.

The song courses through her body as she pumps her arms and jumps to the beat. Mason stands beside her, laughing at her embarrassing attempt at dancing.

When Eloise catches his eyes watching her in amusement, she reaches for Mason's hands and takes them in her own. She moves them up and down with hers as she continues to jump on beat.

Mason laughs, "What are you doing?"

"I'm dancing." Her eyes are bright as she grins at her awkward friend. "And so are you, so come on! Jump with me!"

Mason throws his head back and laughs, but doesn't jump to the beat of the song. He allows her to keep moving his arms as he watches Eloise.

While Eloise is trying to get Mason to dance in the middle of the crowd, Peter watches from the sidelines. He's sat by the refreshments table with a half empty water bottle in his hands. Peter tries not to stare at Eloise dancing with Mason, but he can't help it. The way her dress sways, the way her eyes catch the lights, the way her eyes crinkle as she beams up at Mason—he's completely entranced.

Peter only looks away when he feels someone's eyes on him. His eyes flicker to the side, where he spots Ned walking over. Peter immediately straightens and sets his water bottle on the table.

"Hey man," Ned speaks as he and Peter do their little handshake. "You okay?"

Peter clears his throat. "Me? Yeah, yeah. I'm fine." He gives Ned a forced smile.

Ned narrows his eyes, and when Peter's eyes glance behind him at Eloise, Ned turns. He sighs and turns back to Peter with a knowing look.


Peter's attention flickers back to Ned. "What?" When Ned raises his brow, Peter quickly says, "Stop, no, it's not like that."

"Then why do you keep staring at Eloise?"

Peter scoffs nervously. "What? I'm not staring at her."

Ned gives him a flat look.

"Okay, I'm staring a little."

From the Shadows | PETER PARKER [2]Where stories live. Discover now