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Steve watches Bucky and Eloise spar. Eloise has caught on really fast to everything Bucky has been teaching her, and she's proud of herself for that. The moves are difficult and she has to work really hard, but it's all paying off. Bucky is still going easy on her and isn't striking with his metal arm, but he is still putting up a good fight. She blocks and dodges the punches. Most of her own are sloppy, but she's getting the hang of it. Hitting a real person is a lot different than hitting a punching bag.

It's already seven in the afternoon and Eloise's tank top is drenched in sweat. Bucky doesn't notice her exhaustion until Steve points it out after he throws a punch and Eloise narrowly misses it.

"You good, Eloise?" Steve asks.

She shakes out her hands and forms fists. She doesn't glance at Steve as she replies between labored breaths, "Are you kidding? I can do this all day."

Something crosses Bucky's face and he turns to Steve. A ghost of a smile crosses his lips before he lets out a breathy chuckle. Confused by his reaction, Eloise straightens and glances between the two men.


Steve waves it away, but he smiles too. "Nothing, that's just something I'd say back in the day."

"Yeah, back when you got your ass handed to you in alleys and I always came to your rescue," Bucky says light-heartedly. Steve rolls his eyes.

"Anyways, it's getting late, and it's a school night," Steve changes the subject and sets his hands on his hips like a mother as he gives Bucky a look.

The man sighs dramatically and starts to undo the wrap around his fists. "Fine, let's get out of here, squirt."

Eloise smiles at the nickname. It's one she has heard father's call their children in movies and it gives her a warm feeling inside. She doesn't argue and gathers her things before pulling a light jacket over her sweaty top and pulling her bag leaning against the wall over her shoulder. When Bucky's ready to go he exchanges a quick word with Steve before joining Eloise by the door. He ruffles her messy hair before walking with her towards the front doors.


Eloise feels fine. She woke up sweaty from a nightmare, but after a nice cold shower, her head clears. She's wearing her favorite pair of jeans and a soft t-shirt with a cute little flower embroidered into the breast pocket. Her hair smells like strawberries and she feels better than many days. Everything goes great from the time she leaves her apartment to go to school to where she sits now, a pencil in hand as she takes notes in class. She actually understands the lesson, too.

The teacher asks the class a question. Eloise raises her hand and gets picked on, and when she says the answers, she's correct.

Things continue to run smoothly until third period. Eloise is sitting towards the back in her assigned seat and tries to participate in the discussion about To Kill A Mockingbird. The teacher grouped everyone in groups of four students, and Eloise gets talked over by a loud student sitting next to her and cracks jokes about Tom Robinson attacking Mayella Ewell. Eloise's frown deepens with every snide remark the boy makes and tries not to get upset that he won't let her speak.

When the boy rudely talks over another student in their group, Eloise is just done. She sets her chin in her hand and glares at him, thinking, Just stop talking already.

From the Shadows | PETER PARKER [2]Where stories live. Discover now