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Eloise sits next to Alev in uncomfortable plastic chairs outside of Alev's mother's hospital room. She's being discharged against medical advice soon, even though her body is failing and it will ultimately result in her death. Alev sits in the chair with face tear-stained but dry. She ran out of tears to cry in the school bathroom. Her leg bounces and she tries to focus on anything other than her mother refusing treatment for the second time around so she can continue to pay the bills for as long as she can, but it's near impossible. Eloise sees the pain twisting her friend's face and holds her hand for comfort and strength.

After school, Eloise surprised Bucky with Alev and asked him to drop them off at the hospital. If it was just Eloise in the car with him he would've muttered something about not running a chauffeur business, but when he saw Alev's sorrowful expression, he kept his comments to himself.

The silence in the hallway is interrupted by Eloise's phone going off. Alev doesn't even flinch, her mind too far down a spiral of thoughts. Eloise mutes the sound and looks down at the caller ID, her brow furrowing when she sees Peter's name. She denies the call, but sends him a quick text explaining the situation and telling him that she might not join him on patrol tonight.

Peter responds right away and wishes everything goes well, even though they both know there's only one outcome.

Silence fills the hall again. Alev lets out a heavy breath and glances over at Eloise still holding her hand.

"Thank you."

Eloise looks up from her phone and meets Alev's eyes. She tries to give her a comforting smile, but it's tight-lipped. "You don't need to thank me."

"No one else would be right here with me if I asked them to," Alev replies. "I did not even have to ask you to come, and you came. Thank you."

Eloise nods, not feeling like she should have to be thanked but appreciating it anyways.

The two sit in silence for another ten minutes or so before the door of the hospital room swings open. Alev and Eloise jump, and when they see nurses exiting the room with clipboards and smiles on their faces, Alev bolts up from her chair and starts to panic.

"Is she okay? Mẹ ơi!" She pushes past a doctor and runs to her mother's side.

Eloise's eyes widen and she follows her friend, apologizing quietly to the doctor. She rushes to the bed where Alev's mother lies, her pale and sickly skin somehow seeming a little brighter than usual. Her eyes are less dull and she is wearing something Eloise has never seen on her before: a smile.

Alev and her mother exchange words in Vietnamese. Eloise, confused, turns to a nurse walking in and asks, "Excuse me, what's going on?"

"There has been a very generous, anonymous donation for Miss Nguyễn's medical bills."

Eloise's jaw drops. "Wait, is she still being discharged today?"

"She's starting treatment again," the nurse replies, a smile tugging at her full lips. Her eyes narrow on Eloise and she asks, "How are you related to the patient?"

Eloise smiles sheepishly. "Well, you see, I'm not—"

"I'm sorry but I'm going to have to ask you to leave, relatives only." The nurse flips through a clipboard and writes something down, glancing at Eloise to let her know she's genuinely sorry about kicking her out.

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