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Peter and Ned sit in uncomfortable chairs outside of the room were Eloise is. When the three got into Bucky's truck and Eloise filled him in, he didn't know what to do, but he knew people who could figure it out. That's why Eloise is in a room of the medical wing of the Avengers facility with Tony Stark, Bruce Banner, and Bucky. Peter and Ned were booted out because they kept interrupting the adults every five seconds.

The two boys pout outside the room with their arms crossed. Peter glances at the door every few seconds anxiously. Ned notices and purses his lips, fully aware of Peter's ever-growing feelings for their friend in the room with three Avengers.

"So," Ned starts, breaking the silence. Peter's eyes slide from the door to his friend. "Why is Eloise mad at you?"

Peter sits back in his chair, his fingers tapping against the arm rests. "I made a promise a while ago, but I told her that I don't think I can keep it."

"Hm. What was the promise?" Ned asks.

Peter sighs. "Well, it's. . . complicated."

"Women are complicated."

A buzz sounds from Ned's pocket. He leans over to pull his phone out, then leans back against the back of the chair to read the screen. He frowns.

Peter peers over at Ned's phone curiously, but doesn't read the text on the screen. "What?"

"Speaking of women," Ned says with a frustrated huff, "MJ thinks I'm ignoring her."

"Are you?"

"Of course not!" Ned exclaims. "I've just been busy. She's catching on to all my excuses being lies, but what am I supposed to say? I can't tell her what I'm really doing—being Spider-Man's guy in the chair, or with a friend who has telekinetic abilities."

Peter frowns. He didn't realize he was putting a strain on Ned and MJ's relationship.

"Sorry, man." He pauses, thinking. "Hey, if you want, I'm sure you can go hang out with her right now. I'll stay with Eloise and I'll text you if we get some answers."

Ned's face lights up, but he hesitates. "Are you sure? I mean, this is some big stuff going on."

"I'm sure, go have fun with MJ." Peter smiles reassuringly. "I'll tell El where you went. She'll understand."

Ned smiles and looks down, sending MJ a text. When she replies, he tucks his phone back in his pocket and stands. "We're going to go get ice cream, I'll see you later."

"Have fun." Peter waves as Ned turns and bounds down the hall and disappears around the corner. Once alone, the smile drops from Peter's face and he returns his attention to the door separating him from Eloise. He doesn't know what's going on, but he hopes everything is okay. He hopes she is okay.

Little does Peter know, Eloise glances at the door a few times as well, wondering what Peter and Ned are doing. She thought that the two would be by her side through this confusing experience as they try to figure out what's going on, but Bruce kicked them out to the hallway.

"You still with us, kid?" Tony asks, his arms folded across his chest.

Eloise blinks and turns back to the three men in front of her. She nods sheepishly. "Yeah, sorry."

From the Shadows | PETER PARKER [2]Where stories live. Discover now