Chapter 26

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Sitting at this hospital worried about my wife has me all schooled. I can't believe this fool came to our house and destroyed what was suppose to be an amazing day for us. Now it has turned into a bad nightmare. This waiting room wait has been the longest to me. I hope my baby is ok. It's been 4 hours and still no word from the doctor. I got up and walked to the nurses station. Hey I'm Tetra Reid husband Darius Reid. I have been her 4 hours and haven't heard anything about my wife. Can you please update me on what's going on please. Let me page the doctor and find out her status and I'll get back to you. Just have a seat back in the lobby Mr Reid and I'll be right back. Thank you so much. I went back at sat down and waited on the nurse to come back and update me on Tetra. She came back like 45 minutes later which frightened me. She walked to me. Mr Reid? Yes mam I said as I stood. I talked with the doctor and your wife is still in surgery. What's going on with her?

Well the bullet did a lot of damage to her organs. She suffered a hemorrhage while on the table which drugged the surgery out a little longer. Omg my baby. Tears fell down my face. Stay strong Mr Reid we are doing all we can to save her. Where is your chapel? It's down the hall on your right. Thank you. I went to the chapel and got on my knees. I cried and cried and prayed for my wife. God I know I don't come to you much often but I need you right now. I love my wife and I need her in me and my daughters life. She didn't deserve this. Please let her pull through.

I got off my knees and walked back to the waiting room. I was tired so I sat down and dozed off for a while. About an hour later I felt someone tap my shoulder. Mr Reid? Yeah. Your wife is out of surgery. Omg can I see her? Yes but I don't want to over work her or get her worked up. How is her condition? Well the bullet did a lot of damage. It tore up insides up pretty bad.

Omg will she be ok? I would say she will but that depends entirely on her. Thank you doctor can I see her now? Yes you can. I walked in and saw my wife hooked up to all these machines and it broke me. I sat down next to her and kissed her lips. She opened her eyes and smiled. In a raspy voice  hey baby. Baby you scared me half to death are you ok? Yes I'm fine Tetra said before she started coughing. I gave  her some water as she drunk it I saw tears streaming down her face.

Baby I'm so sorry this happened to you. I'm gonna get him back if it's the last thing I do I promise you that. The nurse came in. She needs to get her rest so we gonna have to ask you to leave now. Her visiting hours will start back at 8 am in the morning. But I'm her husband. I know but the doctor wants her to be in some quiet time for tonight. We will call you if something happens. I don't want to leave her. I know and I understand but this is doctors orders.

Fine but I want a call on the hour by the hour on my wife's progress. Well do Mr Reid. I'll let you out this door right here. I kissed my wife and told her  I loved her. I called my mom and she was cleaning up and said the girls was bathed fed and in the bed asleep. I got in my car and headed home. How did my wedding day becomes such a bad day. Now every time we think about our day we will think about her getting shot. We suppose to be on our honeymoon right now but no she's spending her days in the hospital fighting for her life.

I pulled up to the house and walked in. My mom said how is she? She's doing better she finally made it out of surgery and they got the hemorrhaging to stop. Omg is she gonna be ok? Yeah mama she will be hopefully. The doctor said that's entirely up to her how well she progress. She's a fighter son I feel she will be just fine. Mama I want to kill that son of a bitch. I know you do but we can't afford for you to be in jail.

I know mama but he ruined our lives. He had 17 years to fix what he wanted. He didn't want her he cheated on her with not only a woman but a man. And told her she was too small for him. He didn't touch her in 2 damn years and now that she is happy and married to someone she loves and loves her back  he wants to interfere with us. That's selfish as hell mama. I know it is son and I know that is aggravating and makes you want to retaliate but we can't do that right now son.

You got 2 daughters that need you and need their mother. So what I need you to do is help her to heal so y'all can be a family again. I know mom but this shit hurts so bad. I know baby I know. I broke down in my mamas arms. She always could make me feel better but in this case it's not working. I just want my wife. After I cried I went upstairs and kissed my girls. I went and got in the shower and took a shower and got in bed. I held Tetras pillow. It smelled just like her. And I cried and held the pillow until I fell asleep.

That's so sad!!!

I feel so bad for Darius!!!

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