Chapter 20

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Charles!!! Charles!!! Yes baby I'm coming. Walking up the stairs I heard Angel calling me. Yeah babe what's up? I'm hurting really bad I think I need to go to the hospital. Are you in labor? No I don't think so but then again I don't know. Ok well let me grab your bags and I'll load the car and come get you. Ok babe. I walked downstairs to get to the car and I put the bags in. My cell phone rung. Hello? So you still playing house I see. Man don't start this Cody. I haven't heard from you in weeks. I've been busy. Well you missed 3 appointments. Do I need to make a appearance? No man chill out. I think my baby about to be born. And what do that has to do with me getting my dick? Man I got you please just give me time. So you didn't tell her we still meet did you? No she thinks we are done. So you still haven't told your little girlfriend the truth? Watch it Cody. Hey im not gonna say anything yet but I'm telling you now if you don't make your way to me I most definitely will make a call and send pictures.

What picture?  You remember las week when I brought my other guy in and you went to sleep afterwards? Yeah why? Well I took a picture for evidence and trust me you don't want me to expose this cause it will be living proof not just us arguing in the public. You wouldn't. Oh but I would. Do you really have this or you just running your mouth?  Oh you taking me as a joke or a liar? No I didn't say that I just asked do you really have this proof. Hold on a second. My phone dinged and I looked down in shock.

How dare you do this to me? Cody started laughing it's all in my  plan. Go see about your little girlfriend and I want to see you no later than today. Understood? Yeah I got it. Alright then tootles. I hung up the phone and kick the door. I can't believe this bitch been recording and taking pictures of me. I got to end this some kind of way. If Angel finds out I haven't been honest with her she will take my baby and leave me.

I already lost Tetra. I don't want to loose her too. I went upstairs and got Angel out of bed and carried her bridal style to the car. I drove her to the hospital and they checked her on in. They got her in bed and ran test and found out she was in labor. She had dilated 5cm. She was half way to the mark to have my son. I can't wait to see how he looks. I went to grab me something to eat and came back to see how far she had gotten. The nurse was in the room and checking her.

She has gotten to 8cm. Time was flying on by. They had given her the epidural so she was resting some. I asked the doctor how is she doing? She's actually moving in good time. We should be expecting a baby in a little while. Awesome can't wait. My cell phone dinged again. I looked down and saw it was from Cody. I opened the message to him telling me I better not forget our little meeting or it will be fireworks along with the baby being born. I texted him back and said how do you know my baby is being born?

Don't worry about how I know just know I do Cody said. Damn I hate I got involved with him at all. The nurse came back and checked angel and she was ready to push. I got so excited. Ok mama let's get ready to push our little man out. Ok on the count of 3 I need you to push for me ok. Ok Angel said. 1,2,3 push. Angel pushed so well the first time. Good job mama I need you to push for me again. She counted and pushed again.

That went on a few times and out came my baby boy. He was so handsome. They took the baby and cleaned him up. He wore 9lbs even. Damn he was a big ass baby. No wonder she use to say he was heavy. After cleaning him up they brought him back to us. He was so handsome. He looked just like me. I couldn't deny him if I wanted to. Angel held him for a little while then I held him. Wow I can't believe I'm a father. This was always me and Tetras plan but it don't work out that way.

I heard she had her baby today too. I wonder how she looked. I'm still hurt that she divorced me. I heard she was marrying ole boy too. Angel wants to get married too. I don't know if I want to do that again. So every time she ask I say we will talk about it later. I know that sounds harsh but I mean what can I say? I haven't gotten over her yet. And all I'll do is hurt Angel. Then on top of that Cody is still in the picture. He is making matters so bad.

All that matters to me now is my son and Angel. I am gonna end things with him for real. After I get them settled I'm gonna go there and tell him it's over. I can't keep doing this to them. I love Angel and it's got to be a serious thing for us now. My son has entered this world and he has to have a man to look up to. How can he look up to his dad and he's cheating on his mama with a man? That will hurt them both so I got to stop this for good.

Will Cody take this well?

What will happen next?

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