Chapter 2

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Ethan is sat quietly, while Tommy is pacing the waiting room floor.

"Dr. O, will you sit down, you're wearing a whole in the floor!"

"Sorry Ethan, I'm just worried about Kira!"

"Why?" sitting down, Tommy explains that Kira needs a foster family or she's moving to Toronto.

"What about you?"

"It'll seem a little weird for a High School Teacher to be living with a student!"

"We've often mentioned how you're like a second father to us all!"

"I'll need to think about it!"

"Don't think too hard!" came a voice from behind them; they noticed a young lady around the same age as Tommy.


"Hey Tiger!" she replied, grabbing Tommy for a hug

"How are you?"

"Better than you it seems!"

"Well, what are you doing here?"

"Me and Jason moved here last week!"

"You and Jason? Never saw that one coming!"

"None of us ever saw you becoming a palaeontologist, but there you go!"

"Where are you working?"

"Who do you think has taken over Kira's case?"

"What do you mean?" asked Tommy to the original Yellow Ranger.

"I'm Kira's Welfare Officer, when I heard about the motor accident, I had Jason bring me down here! Now she needs a Foster Family or she moves to Toronto, and she needs someone that she can trust, Tommy, please, so she can stay in Reefside, with her friends, otherwise, a load of paperwork gets sent to Toronto!"

"Ok, BUT only if she agrees!" responded Tommy, knowing he had lost.

"Ok, who's in there with her?" she enquired.

"Conner McKnight, they have something the really need to talk about!" replied the original Green and White Ranger.

"Ok, but I really need to talk to her, can you have her call me at the office tomorrow?"

"Ok, draw up the paperwork and I'll be along to fill out anything that needs signing!" responded Tommy

"Good thing too!" and so with that, Trini gave Tommy one last hug and left for home.

"Who was that Dr. O?" wondered the ex-Blue Dino Thunder Ranger.

"Old friend!"

"Old Girlfriend?"

"Not that it's any of your business, but no, we've been friends for over a decade, that's all" he replied, "come on, let's go check on Kira and Conner, they've been in there alone for too long!" he continued, as they headed towards Kira's hospital room, Tommy looked through the window and saw Kira and Conner lip-locked so he drags Ethan further down the corridor "maybe we shouldn't disturb them yet, they're a little busy!"

"Oh really? I wonder what they're doing then!"

"Don't ask!" replied Tommy, looking a little sheepish

"Ok!" responded Ethan.


Conner's hands found their way into Kira's hair, while his tongue had found it's way into Kira's mouth, just as Kira's hands found their way onto Conner, one on his upper back, one into his hair, and her tongue into his mouth, as they broke apart, they both have a huge grin on their faces.

"I love you Kira"

"I love you too Conner!"

"What do we tell Ethan and Dr. O?"

"That we're in love and we're a totally loved up couple!" replied Kira, giggling

"Works for me!"

"Any idea when you can get out of here?"

"No, I need to ask the doctor!"

"Can I stay?"

"I was gonna ask you to!" just then, there was a knock at the door, and in came an attractive young female doctor.

"Hi Kira, I'm Doctor Sloan, but you can call me Tanya!"

"Hi, this is my boyfriend Conner"

"Hi Conner"

"Hi" responded Conner "Any idea when Kira can get out of here?"

"Conner, just wait, we can get back to that later!" replied Kira, with an evil glint in her eye.

"Well, in response to what Conner just said, I've had the welfare officer here, asking about legal guardianship, and there's been an offer!" this left Kira and Conner open mouthed.

"Do you mind if I ask who?"

"Sure, it's a Doctor Oliver" replied Tanya "shall I get in touch with her, ask her to come collect you?" Conner and Kira allow themselves the opportunity of a laugh. "What's funny?"

"It's difficult to ask her to come and get her, when Doctor Oliver is a guy?" replied Conner.

"Oh, now there's a problem!"

"What's the problem?"

"Well, the law is gonna have to make sure he has doesn't no criminal convictions to do with young ladies!" replied Tanya, suddenly shocked by a knock at the door, when Conner answers it, he notices Ethan and Tommy at the door, Tommy stares at Tanya for what seems like an eternity.

"This seems like my day for meeting old friends!"


"Hi Tanya, what are you doing here?"

"I work here, what are... of course, Doctor Oliver!" this left Kira, Conner and Ethan grinning like wildcats.

"You always knew I was the wild one, no one ever knew what I'd do next!" replied Tommy

"Where does the Doctor come in though?" wonder Tanya



"Oh, may I introduce Ethan James, another of my students and D.T.R's!"


"There were five of them, Red, Yellow, Blue, White and Black"

"You mean you were four of the Dino Thunder's?" asked Tanya

"Oh God, Doctor O, if you're gonna tell everyone..."

"Guys, this is Tanya Sloan, Yellow Zeo and original Turbo Ranger!" Conner, Kira and Ethan looked at Tanya, mouths hanging. "How's Adam? I hear you two are an item!"

"Oh he's great, thanks, anyway, I heard from a Miss Kwan that you're gonna take care of Kira!"

"That's right, she needs to be here, her friends are here..."

"Her boyfriend's here!"

"Boyfriend?" asked Ethan in complete shock

"Conner!" replied Tommy, Conner and Kira look at Tommy in shock

"How did you know Dr. O?" wondered Kira

"I caught you, after talking with Trini..."


"Trini Kwan, your Welfare Officer!"

"She's also an old friend of Dr. O's!" responded Ethan

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