Chapter 11

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Kira just looked at the ring, noticing it's magnificent sparkle

"Oh my god!" she whispered "Kim, Tommy, it's, it's, it's a..."

"Diamond, it's a diamond!" replied Conner, standing up in front of Kira, as Tommy does the same in front of Kim, they both kneel in front of their lady loves

"Conner, you go first!"

"Kira, these past four months have been wonderful, the more I've spent time with you, the more I love you, I have never known anyone like you, I want to spend the rest of my life with you, I love you Kira Elizabeth Oliver, will you marry me?" everyone looks at Conner in awe, and Kira is almost in tears, "Please say something!"

"Conner, I love you! I want to be with you forever!" Kira gets a big smile on her face "Of course I'll marry you!"

"YES!" shouts Conner, picking Kira up and planting a passionate kiss on her lips.

"Your turn Tommy!" ordered Jason, while Kira enjoyed the shine of the ring on her finger.

"Kim, for eleven years, I have waited for this moment, I love you more and more, for eight years, you brought up our twins alone! I don't plan on letting you go... I love you Kimberly Ann Hart, will you marry me?"

"Yes!" was all Kim could say, standing up, Tommy lifts Kim up and kisses her

"Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!" everyone turned to face T.J. and Trinity and saw them pretending to be sick, and everyone noticed that Conner and Kira had disappeared.

"Where are they?" wondered Tommy, Jason looks out the window and notices them

"Better leave them Doctor, they're outside!" Outside, Kira and Conner were busy talking

"Conner, we're gonna need to sort out dates!"

"What about next Christmas?" wondered Conner, Kira's eyes widened

"Are you serious?"

"Yeah, why not? More presents for you!" he smirks

"Conner, I love you, really I do, but your just such an ass sometimes!"

"Since when did you see me getting out the shower?" he asked, jokingly

"So you're serious about getting married a year from now?"

"Course I'm serious, Kira, I want to have a winter wedding, and marrying you makes it all the more perfect, will that be ok with you?"

"YAAAAY!" she squealed.

"And it seems perfect for another thing!"

"You mean intimately?"

"Yeah!" replies Conner, Kira knows that Conner means them losing their virginity to each other.

"Shall we tell them the date?"

"Come on!" replied Conner, allowing Kira to take hold of his arm so he can be a gentleman, escorting Kira inside, T.J. ran up to them both.

"When are you two getting married?"

"Easy tiger, let's go tell everyone!" replied Kira "Excuse me, Conner and I have an announcement!" everyone stops what they are doing to face them "We've decided on a date for our wedding!"

"Well?" wondered Rocky

"OH SHUT UP ROCKY AND GIVE US A MINUTE ALRIGHT!" shouted Kira, everyone was surprised at how demanding she can be and clapped

"The date has been set for December 25th next year" grinned Conner

"Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww" replied all the girls in the room, thinking it sweet and romantic

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