Chapter 7

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Conner is busy in the kitchen of Tommy's house, cooking breakfast for himself and Kira, stood there in just a pair of sweat pants, he turns round, putting the food onto the plates, he notices Kira stood there, in her yellow baby doll night-gown that goes down to her mid-thighs, which makes it difficult for Conner to concentrate.

"Kira, please, get some clothes on, otherwise no matter whether your leg was good or bad, I'd have to have you right now!"

"How about later? When my cast comes off?" replied Kira, seductively

"IT COMES OFF TODAY?" shouted Conner in amazement.


"God I love you Kira" responded Conner walking up to Kira, lifting her and walking her over to the table, sitting her on it, she kisses him passionately, Conner proceeds to move his hands up Kira's legs, underneath her nightgown.

"Conner!" squealed Kira, pushing Conner back "Not yet!" she ordered

"I'm sorry Kira, it's you, you do something to me... oh, my mom wants to meet you sometime!"

"Oh no, why?" wondered Kira

"She's my mom, she's over-protective, but seriously, if it makes you feel better, you can meet her either here if Doctor O agrees, or you can meet her at Haley's" suggests Conner

"Would you call her and tell her Friday at Haley's?" wonders Kira

"Only if it makes you feel better sweetie!" replies Conner, kissing Kira gently on the lips

"I want Doctor O there as well!"

"He is your foster dad, if he's not there, my mom can't be!"

"But he's always there!" giggled Kira in response


Kim is slowly waking up, she finds that Tommy is not next to her, and she's scared that he's been scared off thanks to what they did the previous day; suddenly the door opens and in walks Tommy with a tray of food.

"Morning beautiful, breakfast?"

"Thanks handsome!" replied Kim, "mmmmmmm, smells good!"

"Thanks, food smells good as well!" replied Tommy cheekily

"Cheeky bugger!"

"I know, god, I wish I could keep you here forever!"

"I wish I could stay here forever!"

"Have you thought about my offer?"

"You mean me and the twins moving in with you and Kira?"


"Tommy, I'm really not sure, I do love you but are you sure you could manage all three of us and Kira?"

"Kim, please, I want to take that chance, and besides, I managed you well enough last night didn't I?" replied Tommy, getting a hard thump of Kim

"I better get up, wanna get my stuff back to Jason and Trini's and get changed before my interview"

"I had a shower before so you don't need to worry!"

"Shame, I need help scrubbing my back!"

"Well, we can shower together now if you want!" suggests Tommy

"Let's go then!" replied Kim, lifting the tray of food off her lap, she's lifted up by Tommy, and taken towards the shower, where they begin to make love again!

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