Chapter 19

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"Conner, I'm..."

"Kira, I'm your husband, I love you, and you know you can tell me anything!"

"I'm pregnant!"



"Oh my god, that's great!" he said, standing up, he lifts Kira up and spins her round, after settling her down on the ground, he gently leans in and kisses her, "I can't believe it... I'm gonna be a father!"

"I was scared you would be mad at me!"

"Kira, I could never be mad at you... you're my wife, and I love you!"

"Oh my god Conner, I love you so much, I dreamt of this happening since we first got together, and now it's happening... god I love you!" they hold each other closely when Haley walks over and interrupts them.

"What are you two grinning like Cheshire Cats for?"

"Kira's made me the happiest man alive for a second time!"

"Oh, how?" wonders Haley

"I'm pregnant!" she grins

"I gotta tell Ethan, please let me!" Conner begs his blushing wife

"I was hoping you would want to!" she replied, Conner was already half way there already.

"Ethan dude... I got good news!"

"One sec dude... I'll be done in a minute!"

"Dude, this is important!"

"What is?"

"I'm gonna be a father!" as Conner says this, Ethan loses the game he is currently playing and looks at Conner.

"Oh man, that is so cool... good on ya dude!"

"I know, I'm gonna be a dad... I'm gonna be a better father than mine was!"

"Dude, you sure will!" Conner starts to walk over to Tommy, Kim and the twins

"Congratulations Conner!" was all Tommy could say, extending his hand.

"Thanks Tommy, I can't believe it though... I'm gonna be a dad... not just any dad... a great dad!"

"I'm sure you will Conner, you love Kira, she loves you and you're both gonna be great parents to that little bundle of joy!" replied Kim, all Conner could do was blush a deeper shade of red than he wore as the Red Dino Thunder Ranger.

"Kim, are you embarrassing my husband?" wondered Kira

"Yes!" Kim replied simply

"Good, finally, someone else who can make Conner blush!"

"Right guys, I'm taking my wife home, we have to talk!" responded Conner dragging Kira out the door

"Why? We could all talk right here!" responded Kira


Conner and Kira are sprawled together on the sofa, they are looking at a list they have written out

"So if it's a boy, it's Thomas Oliver McKnight and if it's a girl, Kimberly Kira McKnight?" asked Conner

"That sounds about right... but so help me Conner, you do this to me again, I am personally gonna kill you!"

"What if it's twins?" he wondered

"Then you're a dead man!" she replied with an evil glare in her eyes...

"I love you!"

"I love you too Conner, it's just...!"

"Don't worry sweety, just another five months to go!"

"I know hun, it's just very painful carrying this little bundle!"

"I know baby, I'm sorry!"

"Don't be, I wouldn't give it up for anything!"

"I'm glad to hear that!" replies Conner, when suddenly they hear a knock at the door; Kira lifts so Conner can answer it, opening the door, he finds his father stood there

"What do you want?"

"I want to talk to you!"

"We've got nothing to say to each other... you said all you had to at the wedding reception!"

"Please, give me a chance to explain?"

"No, when you left, this house became mom's, and she handed over the deeds to me and Kira, so this is our home now... if you don't leave, I'm calling the Police!" responds Conner with pure anger in his voice.

"Fine, I'm going!" replies Conner's father walking away from the front door; Conner is just about to close it when he notices Ethan and Hayley coming up the driveway.

"Hey Ethan, Hayley, what brings you too here?" wonders Conner

"You and the proud mom to be!" replies Ethan

"We come baring gifts!" continues Hayley holding a bag of potato chips and a movie while Ethan is holding some drinks...

"Now all we need is Trent, Krista, Tommy and Kim and we're sorted!"

"Tommy and Kim are leaving the kids with Jason and Trini, and Trent and Krista are coming as well!" replied Ethan, "can we come in?"

"Sure!" replies Conner "Hey Kira... movie night!"

"Yaaaaaaay, I'm in the mood for a good movie... is it action or romantic?" wonders Kira

"Romantic of course!" replies Hayley

"Thank god!" she grins...

"I'll only watch it because I think Kira is getting me into romance films..." replies Conner, which leaves Ethan and Hayley wide-mouthed just as Tommy, Kim, Krista and Trent walk in

"Did we just hear that Conner McKnight is beginning to like romance films?"

"You certainly did, and I don't care who knows it, come on, movie time!" replied Conner, getting a couple of bowls and eight glasses for the snacks and drinks.

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