Chapter 12

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Conner, Ethan, Trent and Tommy are in Tommy's jeep, headed to the tailors, everyone can see a grin on Conner's face.

"What are you smirking about?" wondered Ethan

"Bro, in two months, I am getting married to Kira, dude, why do you think I'm smirking!"

"Don't you just hate this?" Ethan asked the former white dino thunder ranger

"Yeah, Doctor O's at it as well!"

"Oh my god!"

"Well, I've waited eleven years for this!"

"Doctor O. don't we deserve to be happy?" wondered Conner to his mentor

"Yeah, anyway, here we are, I hope you don't mind, I asked a couple of people to meet us here!"

"Who?" wondered Conner curiously

"My folks!"

"What?" wondered Conner with shock

"My dad is here cos he can drive, and my mom, cos we need a female perspective!

"I don't do grandparents really well!" replied Trent from the back, the quartet got out of the jeep.

"They don't bite Trent, they're harmless!" joked Tommy, they headed to the tailors and noticed Tommy's parents stood waiting, Tommy's mother turns round and notices Tommy, stood there with Trent, Conner and Ethan, walking up to them, she looks Tommy in the eyes.

"Where have you been young man? You're late!"

"Sorry mom, traffic was terrible!"

"Never mind, so, which of these three is Conner?"

"I'm Conner, it's a pleasure to meet you Mrs Oliver" replied Conner, extending his hand

"So polite, but please, call me Michelle, that goes for the all of you, but not you Thomas David Oliver!" the three youngsters can't help but laugh at Tommy's full name being used, Michelle takes Conner's arm in hers and takes him away, when Tommy's father walks up to them.

"Don't mind her Tommy, she's happy because it's a double wedding, her son and granddaughter are getting married!"

"Adoptive granddaughter, don't forget!"

"You were an adoptive child, but we still treat you like our flesh and blood!" turning to Trent and Ethan "I'm Robert Oliver, it's a pleasure to meet you!"

"I'm Ethan James!" replied Ethan

"I'm Trent Fernandez!" responded Trent; over in another part of the store, Michelle was busy chatting with Conner, while picking out a number of different shirts and suits for Conner to try on.

"So, tell me about yourself Conner!"

"There's not much to tell, my mom moved away two weeks before Christmas last year, I've been with Kira for fourteen months, and I love her more and more each day!"

"Awwwwwwwwwwwww, and was it Kira or Kim that picked Christmas for the wedding?"

"Erm, it was me, actually!" hearing this confession shocks Michelle

"Oh, and what made you think of it?"

"Two reasons, one a genuine reason, the other was so she'd hit me!"

"You like Kira hitting you?"

"Well we used to argue a lot!"

"Ok, tell me the genuine reason!"

"It's romantic, and I only want the best for my fiancée!" Michelle smiles at this.

"So, what are you going to wear?"

"I was thinking about a tuxedo with a red bow tie and a red cummerbund!" replied Conner

"Oh that won't do... you need to think of something more unique!"

"What do you suggest?"

"How about complete white?"

"I'm sorry, but I don't do complete white, Trent over there does, look!"

"... Who will be your best man?"

"Ethan, the guy in blue over there!" replied Conner, pointing to Ethan

"Get him over here then!" replied Michelle, Conner walked over to Trent, Ethan, Tommy and Robert

"She scares me, help?" he pleaded

"Don't worry son, she'll calm down if you tell her what you want!" replied Robert

"I want to elope, marry Kira in some small chapel in Vegas!" remarked Conner with fear and dread in his eyes, Robert and Tommy could see that Conner was genuinely scared of Michelle, Tommy takes Robert to one side.

"Dad, we have to stop her, Conner loves Kira but he would elope with her if mom doesn't stop!" Robert could see that Tommy was serious, walking over to Conner; they could hear Conner talking to Ethan and Trent.

"I want a normal tux and shirt with a red bow tie and cummerbund, but she wants me to wear complete white, I thought I chose what I wear, seriously though, if I have to, I'll take Kira to Vegas, because this wedding is going o.t.t. What can I do?"

"How about come with me and tell her!" replied Robert, Conner turned round and looked down.

"I can't!"

"Why?" he asked curiously

"I've never been good with breaking bad news!"

"I'll be there, so if you want me to tell her, I will!" replied Robert, smiling

"Thank you Mr. Oliver!"

"Call me Robert!" he replied, walking back over to Michelle "Michelle, we need to talk!"

"What's wrong?" she replied

"Are we having a second wedding?"

"Not that I know of, why?"

"You've scared Conner, he's contemplating..."

"Don't be stupid, I've not scared him!" she interrupted

"Michelle, he's contemplating eloping with Kira to Vegas!" Robert managed to say, this shocks Michelle who looks at Conner.

"I love Kira, too much to contemplate cancelling, I'd never do that, so if I have to, I'll elope!"

"I love Kira as my own granddaughter, and I'm sorry, it's just that these are the first two weddings in our family in ten years, Tommy's first wedding, and his daughter Kira is getting married as well.

"But please, I know you're excited, but so am I, I'm the one marrying Kira, I would do anything to ensure her safety, but I'd like to make some choices about what I wear for it!" Replied Conner, nervously

"Very well" Replied an upset Michelle

"It's not that your help isn't appreciated, I just want to decide some things for myself!"

"Michelle, I'm excited about this as well, but let's do this Tommy and Conner's way... ok?"

"Ok, I'm sorry Conner, I was just over-excited"

"I'm still over excited, I get to be there as Trent is walking her down the aisle!"

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