Chapter 4

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'Shit, I should kill Jason for suggesting that I get a job here, especially after all that Power Ranger business, but I must admit, there was something familiar about the black ranger, where do I remember those moves... oh shit, is Tommy determined to go through all possible colours for a Ranger!'

Two children around 8-years-old, where running around like mad fools, getting under their mom's feet.

"THOMAS! TRINITY! BEHAVE YOURSELVES!" came a stern voice walking up behind them.

"Yes mom!"

"Kimmie, don't be too hard on them, they're in a strange place!" came another voice, walking up towards them.

"JASON!" she screamed, running up to her old friend. "There's something I have to ask you" she continues while giving him a big hug!

"What's that pinky?"

"Does he live here?" she asks insistently

"By he, you mean?"


"Yes mommy?"

"Not you sweety, an old friend of mine, he has the same name as you!"

"Oh, ok!"

"Yes Kim, he lives here, he'd like to see you again!"

"Why would he like to see me? I broke his heart!"

"Kim, he just wants to see you, even if you just talk to each other to clear a few things up, and so he can meet the little terrors, Kim, please, I'm begging you!"

"Even if it's just to talk?"

"Exactly, Kim, I've invited him to dinner tomorrow night, that way, after dinner, Trini and I will watch the kids, and you and Tommy can talk!"

"I guess I've got no choice, come on, let's go!" replied Kim taking her bags and kids to Jason's motor.

"Good girl!" Jason lifted the kids and buckled them into his car, getting into the front with Kim, he heads towards the house Jason and Trini's place


Tommy was cooking a meal for two, seeing Kira struggle with her crutches, Tommy stops cooking to lift her up.

"I may not be Conner, but I hate seeing a young lady in distress!" he comments as he lays Kira on her seat.

"Thanks Dr. O, I guess this cast on my leg isn't as much fun as I thought!"

"I wouldn't know!" he exclaimed "oh, you can have company at the weekend, I'm going out for dinner at a friends on Saturday, and I'm gonna be busy on Sunday!"

"Oh that's ok, I might just invite Conner round, if you don't mind!"

"Kira, I would mind Conner coming round so much if you two weren't dating, but you are together, so that's it!"

"YAY" she squealed in response.


Tommy was rushing round the house, trying to make himself look presentable for dinner at Jason's.

'Shit, what am I gonna do when I see her? Where's that shirt? Has Kira been washing my clothes?' "KIRA, HAVE YOU SEEN MY WHITE SHIRT?"

"NO, I'VE ONLY WASHED MY OWN CLOTHES LIKE WE AGREED!" came a response from down stairs, Tommy then found his shirt, he spikes his hair before putting on his shirt and jacket.

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