Chapter 6

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Tommy is pulling up to Jason and Trini's house, getting out of the jeep and towards the front door, he is also wearing a long coat, as it is freezing, knocking on the door, he is greeted by Jason and Trini keeping Tommy junior and Trinity in check.

"Hey Tommy, Kim's just finishing getting ready, come meet the twins properly!"

"Thanks Trini, do they know?" the twins then turned round and saw Tommy, Jason saw them looking at him and nodded to them, they get off the sofa and go see Tommy, stopping just at his feet, they look up at him.

"Are you our daddy?" asks Tommy Junior

"That's right" replies the ex-black dino thunder ranger. Just then, Tommy Junior and Trinity hug Tommy, he kneels down so they can give him a proper hug. "Right, listen to me" the twins let go so they can look at him while he speaks, "I'm taking your mommy away tonight, I'll bring her back tomorrow, but we just need some time alone, and when we come back, I'll make sure we get time together on Monday, ok?" with this, the twins look at each other with huge grins on their faces.

"I hope you have a lot of money then!" replied Kim, walking out of the bathroom, noticing Tommy, and how different he looks from the outfit he wore the previous night 'my god, his sense of style has improved over the years!'

'Shit, is she gonna be able to breath in that top? Looks a little tight, but damn, she looks bloody good in pink' he is so lost in thought while standing up, still looking at her, he notices a little symbol on her white long coat 'is that a crane on her coat or is she pleased to see me?' "Cute crane on the coat!" he comments, "ready?" Kim nods in response getting a holdall out of the bedroom, Tommy offers to carry it as he is used to carrying Kim's shopping, they say goodbye to Jason, Trini and the kids, they pack Kim's stuff into Tommy's jeep and head off.

"Where are we headed?"

"We need to get a couple of horses first, then we're going into the mountains"

"Can we have lunch before riding?"

"That's the plan!"

"What have you got planned?"

"I can't tell you that, it'll ruin the surprise!"


"I can't, not even if you shout down my ear!" replies Tommy, putting on his glasses

'Shit, he looks hotter with those glasses, why does he do this to me?' "Nice glasses, Billy" replied Kim, letting out a childish giggle.

"Oh very funny, maybe I should use techno-speak!"

"No, that would be funny!"


Tommy and Kim are riding their horses through the countryside, heading towards the top of TOM MOUNTAIN where there lies a small hut, once they arrive, Kim notices how beautiful the view is, commenting on it, Tommy walks up and scoops her up into his arms.

"It's not as beautiful as you!" kissing her gently on the lips, Kim slides her tongue into Tommy's mouth, sliding her hands up his top, Tommy puts her down.

"What's wrong?" wonders Kim

"It's been a while, but I still think we should be inside" replies Tommy, lifting Kim by her butt, Tommy carries Kim inside as she wraps her legs around him, "Bedroom?" he wonders

"Anywhere, just, please Tommy, make love to me again!" replies Kim, as Tommy carries her to the bedroom and lays her down on the bed, where they begin to make love.


Conner was just pulling up to the house, getting out of his car, he walks up to the house, and knocks, looking through the window, he can't find Kira, so he opens the door and finds Kira asleep on the sofa, walking over to her, Conner sits on the edge and gently kisses Kira on the lips to wake her up, as she slowly wakes, she notices Conner's face hovering above her, she grabs his head with both hands and brings him down, kissing him passionately, Kira allows her tongue to gently ease it's way into Conner's inviting mouth, pulling away, she looks Conner deep in the eyes.

"Soon Conner, soon!" from the love in her eyes, Conner knew she was serious.

"I can wait!" he replied, knowing that he would wait forever to be intimate with the beautiful young lady lay down in front of him, "and the reason for that is because I love you too damn much!"

'Awwwwwwwwwwwww, that's sweet of Conner, willing to wait!' "I love you too Conner, I just don't want to trouble you with my leg the way it is!"

"Kira, I love you, but just don't worry, come on, I hear Haley's is open again, wanna get some lunch?"

"That'll be great, thanks!" replied a smiling Kira, trying to get up, Conner helps her by getting her crutches, and taking her out to the mustang, once in the car, they head towards Haley's Cyberspace


Conner and Kira are busy eating their lunch, while looking deeply into each other's eyes, seeing nothing but love, when in walks Jason and Trini with the twins, Trini notices Kira and heads over to her table to see if she's all right.

"Hello Kira, how are you?"

"Hi Miss Kwan, I'm great thanks, they're cute kids, but they don't look like yours!" noted Kira

"They aren't, I'm looking after them till tomorrow!" looking at Conner "... and you must be the enigmatic Conner McKnight I've heard nothing about!" she continued.


Kim is asleep in Tommy's arms as they lay naked with nothing but a blanket covering them, Tommy; lifting his head up by his arm, just stares at Kim's sleeping face, kissing her cheek, she slowly wakes up.

"Hey beautiful, did you have a nice nap?"

"I'm sorry but you tired me out!"

"I'm surprised you weren't tired before we got here, I don't know how you could breath in that top!"

"I'm just glad you were able to help me out of it!" giggled Kim

"Kim, I wanna make a deal with you!"


"Job or no job, I wanna be there for you and the twins, I want you to move in with me!", Kim shot up and faced Tommy with shock!

"You want me and the twins to come live with you and Kira?"


"Why? We'll only get in the way!"

"Kim, I want you to live with me, you won't be in the way, you of all people could never be in the way, and I'm sure I could find something to keep Trinity and T.J. under control" grinned Tommy, bringing Kim down for another kiss slowly moving his hands over her naked body, round and down to her naked butt, he sits her up along with himself and they proceed to make love again!

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