Chapter 9

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Kira and Conner are sat on the sofa, watching a romance film

'Should I tell her or not? I can't, not yet, oh my god, how do I tell her? I'll tell her when we get back from the hospital!'

"Hey, shall we get going?"

"Yeah, and who knows, maybe later we can celebrate!" replies Kira flirtatiously, Conner grins at this.

'I tell her soon or I'll lose her!' screamed Conner's mind. Conner and Kira head out to Conner's mustang, once inside, they headed off to the hospital.


Kira and Conner are in a hospital room, when in walks Tanya.

"Hi Kira, Conner, shall we get the cast off?" wonders Tanya

"God yes, it's about time!"

"Right, let's do it!" when in walks a male nurse.

"Hi, I'm Jesse, I'll be removing your cast today!" he flirts

"I'm flattered, but I'm taken!" replies Kira

"I'm Conner, I'll be Kira's boyfriend!" responded Conner, seriously

"Doctor Park, will I need to use my crutches?" wondered Kira

"No, I shouldn't think so, you'll be ok!"


"But I would be careful for the next couple of days, just to be safe!"

"It's ok, I'll be alright" looking at Conner, "I'm sure of it!" Conner smiles, knowing that Kira is right

'God, I love her, but how do I tell her? god it's killing me, I'll tell her when we get back home'


Conner is sat at a table alone, while Kira is rehearsing with her band, now that she's back on her feet (literally speaking) and is eager to get back to work, Conner is looking at her on stage, when in walks Ethan.

"Hey Conner, what's up?"

"Ethan, do you remember what I told you the other week?"

"I think I remember, why?"

"I feel like I should tell Kira, but I don't want to hurt her feelings!"

"It won't Conner, I promise you it won't!"

"How do you know Ethan? How do you know for sure?"

"Alright Conner, I don't know for certain, all I do know is that Kira loves you, and you love her, and if you wait around forever, it'll kill you, and I think Doctor O. will respect you for it!" just then, Tommy walks in, notices that Kira is rehearsing so noticing Conner, walks over to him.

"Hey Dr. O. what's up?"

"Conner, could you keep Kira occupied for a while? Maybe keep her out over night if she wants to?"

"Sure, I guess I could, why, what's wrong?"

"I'm gonna be busy back at the house, and Kira may get more than a little bored!" Conner immediately understands what Tommy means.

"Sure Dr O. I understand, I can keep Kira busy, when do you want to see her? Tomorrow?"

"Yeah, have fun!"

"Dr O. can I talk to you in private?"

"Sure, what's up?"

"Can we talk outside?"

"Yeah, come on!" Conner stands up and walks outside with Tommy, Kira looks over at them and wonders what is going on

"Take a break gang!" she says to the band, everyone goes off stage and goes for a drink, Kira walks over to Ethan "What the hell is going on Ethan?"

"It's a long story Kira, Conner will tell you later! Trust me, it'll be ok!" Meanwhile, outside, Tommy is wondering what is wrong with Conner.

"Conner, what's wrong?" he wondered

"Doctor O. I need some advice!"

"What's wrong?"

"Doctor O. if you really like a girl, and you wanted to wait before you were intimate with her, and actually wanted to wait till you had married her, how would you tell her?"


"I've never slept with a girl, and I want to wait till I get married, before that actually happens!"

"So you're still?"

"Yeah!" replies Conner looking embarrassed

"Conner, do you know what they call men like that?" Conner looks up and looks at Tommy "... noble!"

"But you?"

"... I'm another story, you stick to your beliefs and Kira will love you for it!"

"Thanks Doctor O. I'm gonna do what I have to!"

"And that is?"

"I'm gonna tell her!" Tommy smiles "I have to! If she loves me as much as I love her, she'll accept it... won't she?"

"Yeah!" replies Tommy nodding

"Thanks for the advice Doctor O.!"

"Anytime Conner, I'm here for all of you!" and so with that, Conner heads back inside to see Kira standing there, arms folded.

"The next time my boyfriend walks off with the science teacher!"

"... Kira, I've got something you need toknow!" looking at Haley, walking over to the counter "Haley, can Kira and I talk in the back office please?"

"Only if it's serious!"

"It is!"

"Go on then!" Conner and Kira walk into the back office

"Conner, what's wrong? You're scaring me!"

"Kira, you know I love you more than life itself, and that I'd do anything for you, you've told me all your inner secrets, and there is one secret I've been keeping from you!" Conner can see Kira's eyes widening with rage. "Kira, let me just explain... please? You'll probably think I'm an idiot!"

"One chance McKnight, if I don't like it, we're through, however, if I think you're an idiot, you'll know!"

"I know you want us to celebrate your cast coming off, and I would love to, BUT I made a promise!"

"What?" replied Kira, still angry

"Kira, I'm a virgin!" Kira looks at Conner in shock

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