Chapter 8

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Kim is waiting at Reefside High School where she's getting a job as the gymnastics teacher, a fact that Tommy is unaware of.

"Miss Hart, could you come in please?" asked the principal, Kim heads inside the office;"Miss Hart, I'm Principal Randall, welcome to Reefside!"

"Thank you Principal Randall"

"I see you applied for the position of Gymnastics Instructor?"

"That's right"

"It says here you were on the American Gymnastics Team"

"Yes, that's right!"


Tommy is spending time with his children.

"Dad, why weren't you there for us for the past eight years?" wondered T.J.

"That's a long story son, and one I don't want to go into; sorry!" replied Tommy

"Dad, will you make us something to eat?" asked Trinity

"I think your uncle Jason or aunt Trini might be better to do that; I don't know my way around their kitchen!" so the twins run into the kitchen and asked Trini to make them some food, and Tommy snuck onto the balcony to see Jason.

"Hey bro, Kim should be in her interview now!" mentioned Jason

"You never said where!" remarked Tommy in reply


"I asked her to move in with me!"

"Dude, are you sure that's wise?"

"Jase, I love Kim, I love her more than anything, getting to know my kids made me want to pack her stuff up now and move it up there!"

"Tommy, easy bro, she's still got stuff in Florida!"

"Good, gives me reason to plan a reunion!"

"What kind?"

"Rangers!" replied Tommy, Jason looks at him in shock

"Are you serious?"

"Deadly, do you know where most of them are? I know about Tanya and Adam, just get the rest together and don't tell Kim!" ordered the Black Dino Thunder Ranger "I can get help off four more people so we're in total luck!"

"Yes sir!" responded Jason, Tommy heads inside to find the twins asleep and Trini watching over them.

"Trini, how do you do it?" wondered Tommy

"Do what?" wondered Trini

"Never mind, did Kim talk to you before she went for her interview?"

"Yeah, and I think these two need their mother and father in their lives, just one thing I need to know!"

"What's that?"

"What does Kim mean to you?"

"Kim means more to me than my own life, if I had to, I would give it up for Kim!"

"You better mean it!"

"Trini, I've loved her since High School!"

"So you're definitely serious about the three of them moving in with you and Kira?"

"It's the best way, Trinity and Kira can share a room and T.J. gets his own room," suggested Tommy.

"Tommy, you're too good for that girl," mentioned Trini

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