Chapter 17

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Kira is on the balcony, looking out over the Paris landscape, when she feels a pair of arms wrap around her waist.

"Well Mrs McKnight, we did it!"

"Yes we did!" replied Kira, smiling "I love you Conner!"

"I love you too!" they gently kiss each other, Conner lifts Kira off her feet, and takes her to the bedroom.

"Is it time?"

"We're married now... it's the best time!" replied Conner, laying Kira on the bed, he slowly undresses her, he then begins to undress himself, and then, he lays next to his beautiful wife,

Kim is running a bath for herself wearing only a dressing gown when Tommy walks into the bathroom and wraps his arms around her waist "Hello Mrs Oliver" he grins

"Well hello to you Dr Oliver!"

"Do you want some company" he asks

"Oh yeah, I could do with your company in here!" she replies grinning

Conner is lay in bed, with Kira in his arms... he can't help but look at her and think about how lucky he is to be able to call himself Kira's husband, when he notices his wife waking up.

"Hey beautiful!"

"Hey yourself!" she grins, dreamily

"I love you!"

"I love you too!"

Conner is carrying Kira into their new house when Conner notices all the post he is kicking around.

"You should answer that!" remarks Kira

"Well, I have carried you over the threshold so I can put you down!"

"Cheeky bugger!"

"At least you're better looking!"

"True" replies Kira, sticking her tongue out! "What shall we do first?"

"Why don't we announce our presence back in Reefside?"

"Haley's?" asked Kira

"Haley's!" confirmed her red-clad husband

"Come on then!" she replied grabbing his hand and running out to Conner's old Mustang

Haley is rushing around like a mad fool, with Trent away on a vacation with Krista, and Ethan filling in... everything that can go wrong... has gone wrong, Tommy and Kim are sat down with their children, grinning like Cheshire cats.

"Hey Tommy... any idea when Conner and Kira are due back?" asked Ethan

"No idea sorry Ethan, it should be soon though!" replied Tommy

"Our ears are burning, did you miss us Ethe?" asked a female voice from the door... everybody in the cyber café turned round and noticed Conner and Kira stood there

"Conner, Kira when did you two get back?" wondered T.J.

"Oooooooooooooooooooh about 2 hours ago!" replied Conner with a grin

"We would of been here later but Conner wanted to see everyone again!" remarked Kira, sitting down with her family

"Kira, sweetie, I don't think we need to know about your private life!" responded Kim, laughing

"I think I'll go talk to Conner!" replied Tommy, picking up T.J. and Trinity "Come on, we don't want to hear this!"

"Conner, I'm stealing your wife and taking her shopping!"

"Okay Kim, but I want her back in one piece!"

"I can't promise anything!" she replied, Conner walks up to Kim and Kira and puts his arms around Kira's waist

"Either I get my wife back in one piece... or you get a couple of helping hands!"

"CONNER... WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" shouted Tommy

"Why? What's wrong Tommy?" wondered Conner

"You never EVER volunteer to go shopping with Kim!" responded Tommy

"Too late Tommy, he just has!" beamed Kim

"Hayley, can T.J. and Trinity stay here till Kim and Kira get back?" asked Tommy

"Sure, why just those two?" wondered Hayley

"Conner will be dead and I'll be in jail for his murder!" he replied

"Tommy, don't be like that, I'm not that bad anymore!" responded Kim

"Do you promise?" he wondered

"I've not had a decent girlie shop in five years!" she grinned

"Dad?" came a voice; Tommy looked down and saw his 10-year-old daughter looking at him

"Yes?" replied Tommy

"Can we come, I've never had a 'decent girlie shop' before!" she responded

"Alright, Conner, can you manage one of the twins in the mustang?" wondered Tommy, Conner simply nodded and looked at Kira.

"Buy what you need to, I'll pay for it!" he said quietly

"Are you sure Conner?"

"I'm positive... whether it be a new guitar, clothes, anything, my mom said the day before the wedding that she set up a bank account for me and Eric... she gave me this on our wedding day" he replied, taking out a bank card for Reefside National Bank. Kira just grinned.

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