Chapter 5

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After dinner, Tommy helps Kim had tucked the two kids into bed, Jason, Trini, Kim and Tommy were sat in the front room, Jason was sat with Trini's legs over his, and Tommy was sat with Kim's head leaning against him, and his arm around her.

"So, you two have agreed to try again?" asked Trini with an evil glint in her eye

"Well that's what we need to talk to you two about, could you look after the twins for a few hours" asked Kim

"Why?" wondered Jason, getting a hard thump in his arm off Trini who realises why Kim asked for them to look after the twins.

"Well, to answer Jason's stupid question, I've invited Kim out for a picnic tomorrow, just the two of us, so we need you two to look after the T.J and Trini, if it's not too much trouble?" wondered Tommy, turning Kim's head and looking deeply into her eyes, giving her a kiss on the tip of her nose.

"Ok, I guess we could!" responded Jason

"Kim, Tommy, we'd love to, don't listen to Jason, he's just being an ass!"

"Hey, you like my ass!"

"TMI Jase, TMI!" replied Kim, quickly

"Hey, I'd love to stay, but I've gotta make sure my place hasn't been burnt down by hormonal teenagers"

"Oh, how is Kira?" wondered Trini, eagerly

"Hormonal and in love with Conner!" replied Tommy, getting out of his seat and heading towards the door.

"Hey Tommy, wait up!" replied Jason, lifting Trini's legs off him, and escorting Tommy to the door. "You're sure you're doing the right thing aren't you bro?"

"Jase, you've got Trini, I saw the way you were looking at each other, it's as if you know that you're right for each other, I know for certain, Kim is right for me, and I want to be with her till I die, I want to protect her and the twins from everything, but tomorrow, I have to get to know Kim again, you never know what happens, if she's not back by 9 pm tomorrow, don't expect her back, ok?"

"Ok" responded Jason with a huge grin on his face.


Tommy is just pulling up to his house, when he notice's that Conner's mustang hasn't left yet, getting out of the jeep, he heads to the door, and let's himself in, he looks into the front room and notices Conner and Kira, asleep on the sofa, still fully clothed, and so, without saying a word, he heads to bed, changing into a pair of bed clothes. When he suddenly receives a phone call.


"Hey handsome"

"Hey, won't you get into trouble calling me so late?"

"Since when did I ever listen to Jason?"

"So I'm guessing Trini gave you permission to phone me?"

"Yeah, why, are you moaning?"

"Remind me to send them a thank you card, particularly Trini, for letting you call right now!"

"I will, so, what you got planned for tomorrow?"

"You'll find out!"

"Tommy please? Ok, if you won't tell me what you're planning for tomorrow, what about over the next few days?"

"When's your interview?"

"Monday at 3 pm, but how did yo... of course... Jason!"

"Listen, I'd love to stay and chat to you, but, tomorrow is gonna be a long day, so, we had both better get some sleep!"

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