Chapter 18

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Conner had managed to find a job as a coaching assistant with the Reefside Soccer Team and Kira teaches singing at Haley's


"Kim, what do I tell him?" wondered Kira.

"Kira, dear, how many tests did you try?"

"About four or five different tests, all of them came out the same!" she responded, almost started to sob.

"Kira, Conner loves you, he won't do anything to upset you, all you have to do is tell him!" suggest Kim when they hear the front door opening and in walks Tommy, T.J. and Trinity.

"Oh sorry, did we interrupt something?" asks Tommy

"Ummm, maybe you and Kira should talk..." suggest Kim, this worries Tommy who begins to get an angry look on his face

"What's Conner done?"

"Dad, chill, Conner's not done anything wrong!"

"Come on kids... let's give Kira and your father some time alone!"

"Ok!" reply the twins in unison, Tommy goes and sits next to Kira

"Kira, I want you to be honest, what's wrong?"

"Dad, before I tell you, did Conner come to you before he told me about his being a virgin before we were married?"

"Yes he came to me... and I told him to tell you... I knew you loved each other enough to be together!"

"Don't be upset, but you're gonna be an adoptive grandfather!"


"I'm pregnant!"

"And you're scared to tell Conner?"

"Yes!" and with that, Kira broke down and sobbed

"What did Kim suggest?"

"She... told me... to tell him... and not... to make... her mistake!"

"You should do it... we'll be there as well if you want!"

"Thank you dad..." she pulled Tommy in for a hug

"Come on shorty, let's go tell your husband... let's get Kim and the twins and go to Haley's!"

"I can't believe she and Ethan got together!"

"It was inevitable!" replied Kim, bringing the twins out of the kitchen

"We're going to Haley's so Kira can tell Conner... I said we'd go for moral support!"

"Of course!"

"Thanks guys... I love you all!" replied Kira, pulling Kim and Tommy into a deep hug.

Ethan was trying to concentrate on the computer, Haley is busy working, hoping to get time to have a little break so she can sneak to Ethan, and so after Ethan managed to finish his game, he brings out his phone and types in a message and sends it.

"Hey Ethan, do you have any idea what's up with Kira lately?" wondered Conner

"Not a clue bro... she is after all, your wife!"

"Yeah, but she seems to be acting all weird... I love her... but she's driving me crazy!"

"Well dude, that's what happens when you get married so soon!"

"Hey, what about you and Haley?"

"Dude, that is none of your business!"

"Come on, when did you two get together?"

"Two weeks ago... after I helped her close..."

"Ethan, thank you so much for helping me close up, how can I repay you?" wondered Haley

"Erm, the thank you was enough!"

"No Ethan, seriously, there's just the two of us here... no one else will know!"

"If that's the case... you sit down, and let me treat you!" replied a grinning Ethan, Haley looks at Ethan dumbfounded.

"Ethan, what are you doing?" she wonders

"I was taught something by Tommy!"

"What's that?" she ponders, Ethan disappears out of Haley's view for a brief second and about a second later with a silver tray, set up with a single red rose and two smoothie glasses.

"If there's a girl you like, you should go out of your way to show them, which is what I'm doing right now!" Haley realises that Ethan likes her as much more than a friend.

"Ethan... how long?"

"Since I first met you... I waited till now as I didn't want you to go to jail!"

"Come here Ethan!" Ethan did as he was told, and stood next to Haley, who held his face in her hands, and gently kisses him. "I love you too Ethan!"


"Awwwwwwwwwwww man, you should of come to me... I could have helped you out!"
"No offence dude, but when it comes to you...and women? You're unlucky... and, you're married!"

"True!" then, the doors opened and in walked Kira and co walked in; Tommy sat Kim, T.J. and Trinity down on the sofas and Kira walked over to Conner. "Hello Mrs McKnight, we were just talking about you!" continued Conner

"Good things I hope!" asked Kira

"Always!" grinned Ethan

"Conner, is there somewhere private we can talk?"

"Sure, let's get away from Mr. Haley!" replied Conner, leading Kira gently away from Ethan, he leads them to a table and sits them both down... "Kira what's wrong?"

"Conner, I'm..."

"Kira, I'm your husband, I love you, and you know you can tell me anything!"

"I'm pregnant!"

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