Chapter 15

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Everyone is busy enjoying themselves, Zack has volunteered to be D.J. for the reception, as everyone is dancing and enjoying themselves, everyone looks at Conner and Kira as the young couple are dancing around everybody in the room, Conner; charming and sophisticated in his suit, Kira; every inch the graceful and elegant 'Queen Of The Night!' in her long flowing yellow dress.

"I love you Kira McKnight!"

"Do you know how good hearing you call me Kira McKnight sounds?"

"Well, it's better than me being called Conner Oliver!" the two of them laugh at this.

"That's true!" replied a voice from behind him, they turn around and notice Tommy stood there, "I think it's time we switched dancing partners, don't you Conner?"

"Yes sir, but be careful, I couldn't keep up with her!" replies Conner, walking to Kim and offering a dance.

"Kira, Conner is lucky to finally have you as his wife!"

"Dad, and jeez does that feel good to say, I always knew I'd make an honest bloke of him!"

"I'm glad I was able to adopt you, especially having Conner around during the first two weeks, just think, 2 years ago, you were Kira Ford, 2 weeks ago, you were Kira Oliver, and two hours ago, you became Kira McKnight!"

"I know, but somehow, I knew it would happen, I really love him dad!"

"I know you do Kira, and I'm sure Conner's telling Kim the same thing!" elsewhere on the dance floor, Conner is smiling as he is dancing with Tommy's wife.

"Conner, that was a lovely vow you made!"

"I meant every word... because I love her so much!" replied Conner to his mother-in-law

"We could all see it, even your folks!" Conner looks over to his parents who turn away from him

"I think I need to talk to them, well, my dad mostly!"

"I understand, I think my dad wants a dance anyway!"

"Thanks Kim!"

"Anytime Conner, we're family now!" and with that, Conner escorts Kim to her father, who proceeds to dance with her as Conner walks up to his father.

"What's up with you?" he wonders

"How could you do it Conner?"

"Whaddya mean?"

"HOW COULD YOU MARRY THAT SLUT?" he shouts, loud enough for everything to stop.

"How dare you!" Conner sneers at his father, then he notices Kira running out, Conner runs after Kira, and Tommy walks up to Conner's father.

"Conner loves Kira, they went through some hard times these past fourteen months, and if these past months, leading up to today has proved something, it's that Conner and Kira love each other, and I suggest that you leave, otherwise I'll be forced to have some people show you out!"

"Do it and I'll sue!"

"Try it!" replies Tommy, staring down Clive and making him feel uncomfortable.

"Come on Sarah!" orders Clive

"No!" she replies, noticing Tommy calling for Jason, Adam, Rocky, Billy and Zack to help him out

"What did you say to me BITCH?"

"Conner and Kira love each other, YOU can't stop that, I agreed with his giving up Soccer!"

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