Chapter 14

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Conner is stood at the top of a double congregation, he is stood next to Ethan, and Tommy and Jason are stood on the other side, they are all stood in their suits, Jason and Conner with red ties, Ethan with a blue tie, and Tommy in a white tie, Ethan and Jason can see how much Conner and Tommy are scared

"What's up Conner?"

"I can't believe this is finally happening, I mean, did you ever imagine me being here? Marrying Kira?"

"Honestly dude, no, I didn't imagine it, there's a difference between imagining something and knowing something!" Conner smiles at his friend's statement.

"... And no offence dude... but I'm marrying my best friend!"

"Hey dude, I'm glad you said that, want me to go see if she's ok?"

"Yeah, tell Doctor O you'll check on Kim as well!"

"No problem!" replies Ethan as he heads over to Tommy and Jason "Hey Doctor O. I'm gonna go check on Kira, want me to make sure Kim's all right as well?"

"Yeah, and tell them we're nervous wrecks out here, can they hurry up?"

"... I'll come with you!" responds Jason

"Cool!" replies Ethan, walking down with Jason to check on Kim and Kira, as they come to the room holding the blushing brides.

In the 'holding bay' Kira, Kim and their bridesmaids are sat their, waiting to go, when they hear a KNOCK, KNOCK on the door


"Trin, it's me!" replies Jason, the door opens and in he walks, with closed eyes, they see that Ethan is with him!"

"That would be necessary if we were undressed boys!" Aisha said gently, Ethan opens his eyes and looks at Kira and Kim, and wishes he didn't lose his girlfriend to another guy, they all notice as Ethan is stood there in shock.

"Trini you look sensational!" remarked Jason with a cheeky grin on his face!

"Kira, Kim, Conner and Doctor O are two lucky blokes, I wish I was both of them!" everyone laughs at Ethan's remark

"Ethan, to say that about Kira and Kim proves you have taste, although I'm as happy now with Trini as I was when I married her, sorry, not as happy, happier!" grinned Jason, getting a kiss on the cheek off Trini for being so nice

"If you say any more nice things, you may get more!" replied a cheeky Trini

"I love you Trini!" he replied

"Will you two calm down?" moaned Kim "This day is about me and Kira!"

"The boys are a little nervous, so, when will you two be ready?" which is when there is another knock on the door, and in walks Kira's granddad Robert and Kim's father Richard Hart

"Hello Ladies!" says Richard and Robert upon entering

"Hi Mr Oliver, Mr Hart!" replies Trini

"Hi Granddad!" responds Kira to Robert, smiling

"Hey Daddy!" Robert can't help but smile at the look of his adopted granddaughter

"Kira, you look beautiful!" awed Robert

"What are you doing here?" she asks as Richard walks slowly over to Kim

"I made a deal with Trent, if I can escort you, he can escort Tommy's mother!"

"Poor Trent!" she squeaks

"Kimberly, Tommy is lucky to have you in his life again!" continued Richard

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