Chapter 20

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"I'll only watch it because I think Kira is getting me into romance films..." replies Conner, which leaves Ethan and Hayley wide-mouthed just as Tommy, Kim, Krista and Trent walk in

"Did we just hear that Conner McKnight is beginning to like romance films?"

"You certainly did, and I don't care who knows it, come on, movie time!" replied Conner, getting a couple of bowls and eight glasses for the snacks and drinks.


After watching the movie, they where all sprawled out in Conner and Kira's living room.

"So, have you decided on any name's yet?" asks Ethan

"Give them time Ethan, Kira's only what? Four months pregnant?" replies Hayley

"Actually we have decided on name's, and we decided on these name's because they've made a difference on our lives!" replies Conner, the others look at Conner and Kira as if to say Have you gone crazy or something?

"What are the name's?" asks Tommy

"Well, for a boy it's gonna be Thomas Oliver and for a girl..."

"...Kimberley Kira!" interrupts Kira

"And if it's twins, I'll need a place to stay or Kira's gonna kill me!" replies Conner, looking at Kira who's nodding with an evil glare in her eyes

"What if it's twin girls?" wonders Hayley

"And Kimberley Kira? No offence but she'd be K. K. McK! What about Kimberley Trini and Hayley Krista?" wonders Kim, Conner and Kira look at each other and nod

"Good idea Kim, right, it's sorted Mr McKnight, Kimberley Trini or Hayley Krista if it's a girl..."

"... Ok, Tommy Oliver or Ethan Trent for a boy then!" replies Conner, moving in to give Kira a gentle kiss.

"I'm going to bed, I'm tired and it's annoying, I think I'm carrying twins!" responds Kira getting up from Conner's gentle embrace.

"Ok, I'll be up soon sweety, love you!"

"I love you too Conner!" she replies, as Kira made her way up stairs, Conner made sure he could see the stairs to see if Kira was ok.

"Need any help Kira?" he asks

"Maybe just a little" comes the reply, when Conner shot up out of his seat and immediately went to the stairs to help Kira up them, "Are you sure you don't mind helping me Conner? We do have guests!" she wondered

"You're more important, you're my pregnant wife, if they can't understand that... tough!"


Conner is with Kira in the delivery room, his hand is almost broken as Kira is giving birth to their beautiful twins.

"Congratulations, you have a boy and a girl!" mentions the doctor

"Oh Kira, they're so adorable!" grins Conner proudly

"You've a right to be proud Conner, they're ours, but I wanna change one name around for the girl!"

"Ok, what?"

"Hayley Kimberly and Thomas Oliver McKnight, that ok?"

"Anything you say Kira, god I love you!"

"I love you too Conner, I can't believe it's finally happened!" she grins, taking hold of her baby girl "Hello Hayley" she coos

"Oh man, I can't believe this, Hello Thomas" responds Conner to his baby boy.


Conner is asleep in Kira's hospital room his head on her bed when in walks the rest of the gang, led by Tommy, Kim, Trent then Krista and Ethan and Hayley they see Conner asleep right next to Kira, who is just waking up.

"Hi guys!" she says, just waking up fully and notices Conner asleep "Poor thing, he's been through so much!"

"He was there for you while you were pregnant, he was being a proper husband, give him credit!" replied Trent

"Yeah, you threw all sorts of abuse at him and he just shrugged it off and stayed with you because he loves you, and it showed for the past nine months more than ever!" continued Ethan

"How can I repay him for loving me, I was cruel to him while I was pregnant, and he did nothing but take it... no wonder I love him, Dad, Ethan, Trent, could you get him a present for me please?" she asks

"Anything in particular?" wonders Tommy

"How about a push-chair" replies Conner, waking up "hey sweety, you don't need to re-pay me, what I did, I did out of love, I don't deserve anything for loving you except the same thing, your love!"

"Conner, I do love you, we made a vow in church to love each other and my feelings haven't changed, but I gave you so much abuse and you took it..."

"Because you are my wife and you were pregnant, I'd have taken it anyway because I love you so much Kira!"

"I love you too Conner!"

The end.

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