Chapter Eighteen:Boredom and Drama

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*Four days later*

Iris' POV:
It's only been four days since I've been on bed rest and I'm already bored as hell. Since I can only move about for a couple hours a day everyone has been doing everything for me. The first two days it was kind of cool being catered to, but now it's quite annoying. My parents agreed to let Barry stay here whenever he wants. That was surprising, but then again what's the worst that could happen? I'm already pregnant. My Dad and I finally talked and we're good. He even got me the cutest puppy as an apology gift.

 He even got me the cutest puppy as an apology gift

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Zoë Patton as: Zoë West

My friends are coming by later, but for now it's just me, Barry, Zoë and our little cupcake in the oven.

Barry: You look like you're getting tired.

Iris: A little.

Barry: You wanna lay down and take a nap?

Iris: No not yet.

Barry starts rubbing my belly and before I know it I'm fast asleep.

*Two hours later*

Barry's POV:
Iris has been asleep for a little over an hour now. She looks so cute cuddled with her new puppy that she named Zoë.

 She looks so cute cuddled with her new puppy that she named Zoë

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*Knock on door*

I go to the door and open it. Our friends come pouring in. I tell them that we have to be quiet because Iris is sleeping. We go into the living room and sit.

Parker: (whispers) Awe she's so cute!

Iris opens her eyes.

Iris: I hope you're talking about me and not the pup.

Everyone burst into laughter. Iris sits up on the couch and everyone hugs her.

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