Chapter Nineteen: Almost Over

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A/N: * I'm going to do a time skip this chapter so that we're closer to Iris' due date.*

*Five months later (August)*

Wally's POV:
My friends and I are at the Diner hanging out, laughing, joking just having a good time. We're sitting around talking about our big trip coming up. Every August we all go on a camping trip. It'll be Parker and Ralph's first time coming and boy are they in for a treat.

Parker: What's the best part of the camping trip?

Caitlin: Swimming in the lake especially at night.

Cisco: Not even. I mean that's fun, but the late night campfire stories are the best part.

Wally: Actually it's the fishing.

Cynthia: They're all the best to me. The overall trip is amazing.

Ronnie: I agree with Cyn. Two weeks of just pure outdoor fun. Us and nature.

Ralph: Well I can't wait.

Jessie: Me either. The camping trip is the best part of summer vacation.

*The next day*

I'm sitting in the living room waiting for my friends to get here. We're going to the water park and I can't wait. I love the water park. After the water park we're going to the Central City movie in the park for the "Scare-A-Thon Movie Madness." Iris comes in and sits next to me.

Iris: What you up to?

Wally: Nothing much just waiting for the gang to get here. We're going to the water park and later the movie in the park.

Iris: Sounds fun.

Wally: Where's Barry?

Iris: I think he's visiting his Dad.

Wally: (concerned) Mom and Dad aren't home. Are you going to be okay here alone?

Iris: Yea I'll be fine.

Wally: (concerned) You sure?

Iris: Yea. Don't worry.

I get a text from Jessie saying they're outside. I say bye to Iris then leave.

Iris' POV:
For the past five months my life has sucked. I'm happy about my baby girl, but I'm not happy in general. The last time I had fun and truly smiled was when I hung out with Eddie five months ago. I haven't seen or spoken to him since out of respect for Barry. Speaking of Barry he and I barely speak to each other. If it's not about the baby we don't speak. I haven't seen my friends in three maybe four months. My parents have been very busy with work the past two months so I barely see them. I only see Wally when he's coming in or leaving out. Right now it feels like I have no one, but Zoë. I feel the tears forming in my eyes. I lie down on the couch and cry myself to sleep.

Caitlin's Pov:
We had such a good time today. Now I'm sitting at home with my Mom. We're just sitting around talking and enjoying each other's company. I love my Mom. She's truly the best. I can talk to her about anything. No matter what I know I can always count on my Mother.

Carla: Are you ready for the big camping trip?

Caitlin: Yes. I'm so excited.

Carla: (giggle) You're always excited. All you kids get very excited every year.

Caitlin: It's always a good time. How could we not be excited?

Carla: How are your friends?

Caitlin: They're all good.

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