Letter #6

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10:40 am. Saturday, June 26, 2032

Today would be what I considered to be a good day.

I was at the cafe with my usual drink, and thankfully, running on a good six hours of sleep. I almost finished my story, only another four chapters to type and it would be done, a good week before I needed to turn it in, giving me ample time to edit and revise. And the best part was, right after I turned it in, our final grades for the year would be out and summer break would start.

I also have a mini-reunion later today with Rieka and some other various friends. We're meeting up at a restaurant, Rieka's treat.

These days she was a successful artist in the music industry, while still attending college. She always had big dreams of making her own music, and with her amazing voice, she had achieved that goal within the few years of being an adult.

I admired her greatly, and so did the rest of our group. We're in college, working hard, getting degrees and finding jobs, and she's already accomplished her dream.

"Rieka's the ambitious one, always reaching for the stars, and pulling you with her. You're the down-to-earth type, the glue that she needs to hold her down, equally as important, and more realistic about your dreams. Neither would survive without the other."

Those were the words you had told me, once upon a time ago, when I was too tired with life and lacked the motivation to do anything. It was during that time Rieka was getting noticed, on forums like Youtube and Instagram for her voice.

I felt left behind, almost as if she had abandoned me to pursue something greater.

But Rieka had not only came back for me, but she had also pushed me in the direction of my own dreams, encouraging me to join the writing contest held by a college.

That encouragement landed me a scholarship in the college I'm in now, helping me to pursue my dreams of being an author and studying psychology.

A bit like a guardian angel, I'd say she was.

And I would see her today, for the first time in months.

Today really is a good day.

I open my laptop, and stretch my arms, ready to complete my story.

And of course, read your email.


Remember when you found out you were 'moving'? How all of us started to cry and beg you not to leave?


P.S. I still love Sunflower. That song is, and will forever be a bop. These days I listen to whatever's on the radio though. I don't have much time to stan any new artists or groups. You?

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