Letter #8

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10:40 am. Saturday, July 10, 2032

A warm day.

Scratch that, today was a burning, scorching day.

When walking to the cafe, I had to carry an umbrella just to block the blinding sun and keep my skin from burning up.

The temperature a wonderful 97° and with no wind to cool the hot air.

But that was to be expected of July, the main summer month where everyone was on vacation and we had a break for a good month and a half. When families would go to the beach, infants, and children playing in the sand while adult lounged on beach chairs and blankets.

When Frosty Treat, the ice cream shop across the street, had an extreme increase in customers. Whether it be teens, adults, or kids, the shop was packed during this time of morning.

Summer. The season for swimming, ice cream, and definitely not hot chocolate.

Yet here I was.

In the cafe.

Drinking hot chocolate.

Although considering it would be my birthday in five days, I could have hot chocolate if I felt like it, regardless if it was in the middle of a heat wave in the month of July.


One of the two months of the year that had its name changed. It was named after the man Julius Caesar and the second month that was changed was August, named for Augustus Caesar. Why they have months named after them? I have no clue. And why didn't they keep the names Quintilis and Sextilis? Absolutely no idea.

My mind took me to strange places.

I checked my phone this time instead of my computer and opened my email account. 

You have: 1 new message


Remember when all of that drama with Liv, Felix, and Noam started in seventh grade and you were kind of the cause of it? 


P.S. After high school Liv and Noam went to the same university so they became closer and I suppose as a result, Noam began to like Liv? It's honestly just as confusing to me and personally, I feel bad for Felix because you know how much he liked Liv. And to think that his former girlfriend that didn't even like him back is now dating one of his friends? I almost want to hate Liv for it all, but it made Felix stronger in some ways, now he has a girlfriend that actually loves him.

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