Memories #5

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Your dog's name was Basilisk.

He was named after the basilisk in the second book of the Harry Potter franchise, a classic series that everyone knew and loved. And although the dog's name gave off a ruthless, brash sounding tone, Basilisk actually was a very sweet, loyal, fun-loving dog.

He was a Gerberian Shepsky, and despite his real name being Basilisk, we all called him Basil.

You got Basil when you were nine, for your birthday.

He was just about three years old, and even though I was a cat lover and kind of scared of dogs, little Basil was the most adorable thing on the planet.

All of our friends also immediately fell in love with the small puppy, always jumping around and sitting on our laps.

Even my own cat, a three-year-old Ragdoll breed named Evie, got along well with Basil. They became pretty good friends, as far as cat-dog friendships go anywho.

Because you and I were good friends at that time, and because we lived in the same neighborhood, I got to see Basil all the time, and you hated it.

I was a shy, mostly quiet girl back then who was only ever 'loud' around close friends. And even around close friends, I was a listener, not a speaker.

For some unfathomable reason, Basil seemed to like my quietness. If we were hanging out at your house with the friend group, watching a movie or playing games, Basil would climb onto my lap and situate himself there.

You were jealous at such a young age, and we often fought over Basil, me saying he liked me better, and you saying that Basil was your dog, not mine.

By the time we were 11, we would still occasionally argue about it, and our friends would call us a married old couple, with Basil as our son.

It was funny for a while I suppose, the two of us being mother and father to a dog (Who obviously loved me more).

But then...

Basil got sick.

We were both 14 at that time, just starting high school, adapting to new schedules and making new friends.

Basilisk was almost eight years old. He would have grown bigger, could've lived another few fun, fulfilling years.

But fate didn't seem to like that.

It started with minor symptoms. Basil was acting lethargic, lying around all the time, looking downcast, instead of up and about. Then he started to lose his appetite, not willing to eat the food given to him.

You and your parents were incredibly worried when Basil started having diarrhea and vomiting at random.

When you took him to the vet, they found out what was wrong.

Basilisk, our Gerberian Shepksy who was as loyal as can be, the playful, adorable canine, was diagnosed with parvovirus.

But by the time anything final was decided, he was already dying, and you and your parents had the choice to put him to sleep or try a treatment from which would be painful and with little chance of success.

To relieve Basilisk from his suffering, you had decided to put him to sleep at the expense of the heartbreak and tears that would come afterward.

It wasn't only you and your family that grieved. When news came around to me and our friends, we shared the sadness too, sorrow filling our hearts when we heard that the fun-loving dog had passed. During the time when you were sad and frustrated, I was the one by your side who consoled you and helped you through school.

We became closer through the experience, in a way. We'd talk more, help each other more, share more interests, and we become each other's personal therapist.

After a talk, one of us would always say, "I owe you one." with the other simply replying with, "Don't fret about it, I'll be the one owing you soon enough."

And it was quite true, that reply.

Even now as an adult, I feel like I owe you for getting me through that terrible relationship in 10th grade.

Hey to you too,

I do remember lil Basil. He was such a handsome puppy and an amazing companion. I miss him a lot, even now. We really got closer after that experience, remember those 'therapist talks'?


P.S. Yessss. Hot chocolate is life, don't judge me.

P.P.S. What kind of music are you into these days? Still obsessed with the song 'Sunflower'?


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