Memories #7

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"Rain, rain, go away,
Please come back another day,
An old man went to bed and bonked his head and he wouldn't wake up in the morningggg"

"My goodness, stop. That's not even the right song, where are you getting your lyrics from?"

My random singing and off-tune voice would often bother you to the point where you would sometimes bring your own music outside to the porch steps and listen to it.

But when you didn't have your music, I'd keep singing and snicker in reply, paying no mind to your commands to stop.

The rain showered down just an inch away from our fingertips and sometimes if the wind was blowing strong, the rain would fly towards our faces and we'd get soaked, although neither of us minded much.

After all, the rainy days were our days.

While some people would chill and watch Netflix or some other activities inside, the two of us sat and watched the rain.

We watched as the trees sagged downwards, the water falling onto petals and leaves and branches, dripping towards the ground. The scent of fresh rain and cool air during the spring seasons and the humid air during the summer seasons. The freezing cold of sleet mixing in with the water during winter, and the autumn-like scent of crispy dry leaves and pumpkin spice effortlessly blending in with the rainy feel of the air during the fall season.

The way the tires of cars would drive into puddles, making the water fly up in a splash. The way birds would fly out, in search of the worms that wiggled out of the dirt in the rain. The sound of thunder rumbling in the distance and the way the water hit the roofs of the houses in our neighborhood, pitter patter, pitter patter. Our own personal form of ASMR that was way more satisfying than the YouTube videos.

We'd sometimes stretch our hands out, letting the water gently graze our fingertips before closing them back underneath the safety of the roof.

And we loved the sight after the rain. When the sun peaked out through the clouds and left rays of light seeping through onto the ground, the grass glistening with the water droplets.

Or the lucky days when there'd be rainbows. When the sun shone through while the clouds kept crying and left an array of colors shimmering lightly in the sky.

Those were our days, since even before we started dating.

When we let out all the feelings pent up inside of us, our voices blending in with the sound of the falling rain.

You'd confess frustrations and anger at your parents because they were fighting. I'd confess how I felt about people. Sometimes it'd be who I liked, sometimes it'd be how I truly felt about someone that was our 'friend'.

We'd talk about random things, from complicated emotions to what our favorite aesthetics were. Countless confessions took place underneath the roof of your porch or mine during rainy days.

And those confessions carried on when our relationship started.

Those days were our communication days when it felt easier to tell the other our individual thoughts. I'd say something about how I felt we were being distant, and how I may feel a bit powerless, you'd confess some of your own emotions, and we would work through it together. The rain serving as a calming backdrop to our discussions.

How ironic it must've been then, to realize that the day we broke up, was a rainy day.

Hey to you too,

Those rainy days were really our days huh? Our days to the point where it became the day we left each other.
But regardless of that, those were good times. Like how I'd always sing randomly and you'd complain about how bad I sounded.


P.S. Noam and Liv are dating?! Wow. I thought they had an agreement because of how Liv had hurt Felix. Liv liked Noam while dating Felix, but Noam liked Felix right? And then when she broke up with Felix, he was upset and then we had that pact...but Noam never liked Liv I thought?

Or maybe I'm behind? I haven't heard from those three in a while, I'm only in contact with Rieka these days.


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