Memories #9

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We were actual idiots, trying to make a fire on a day that we knew would rain.

This was the summer before we were seniors, and Emory had joined our friend group just about a year and a half ago. He was a quiet kid, someone who only really spoke when needed and created a balance in our group of now seven teenagers.

Amongst our friends, we were each someone different.

Liv was the challenger, stubborn and determined, she was the one who never stepped down and was up for any task at hand.

Noam was the speaker, he knew exactly what words to say at what time and stood his ground during debates and arguments. He and Liv were what we called the 'rocks'; they were always the unmoving ones, persevering onwards, an unstoppable force if they were on the same side in practically anything. We were always afraid of them when they were in agreement.

Emory was the voice of reason, calming people down when needed and acting as the neutral, only voicing his opinion when he knew something bad would consequence from it.

If Emory was the voice of reason, Felix was the soft-spoken voice that people listened to and kept things together; he was a sensitive guy with a big heart and put others before himself. The two were our peacekeepers and common sense buffers, we usually always listened to them.

Rieka was the shoot for the stars type and I was the down to earth type. We balanced each other out and as best friends, I held her down when she got overboard and she the one that pulled me out of my bubble and exposed me to opportunities and chances. Almost like magnets, the two of us. were the leader. A mix of the six of us, although lacking in the common sense department often times.

Like Liv and Noam, you were stubborn and once you were hooked onto an idea, you didn't like backing down. Like Emory and Felix, we listened to you and respected you, to an extent. Like Rieka and I, you had a magnetic pull to each of us that helped us balance out.

So when you suddenly got hooked onto the idea of making a fire on a rainy day, we had to agree.

And this is what I meant about how you lacked common sense. You really did. Who just makes a fire on a day that's pouring rain?

Apparently us.

We had started building the fire in the firepit in my backyard when it started sprinkling lightly. Emory and Felix were very concerned, saying that we should head inside before the rain got any worse, but no one listened. Which was unfortunate because they were the only ones who had checked the weather before coming over and who had any common sense.

When it started to drizzle, we were still trying to start the fire, lighting matches and eventually going inside to find a lighter. That was when Noam and I started getting a bit worried.

The three left who were still determined to start a fire and keep it going were the most determined ones amongst our group. Liv with her 'I'm beat any challenge' attitude, Rieka with her 'going for it' attitude, and you with your 'once I'm onto something you can't stop me' attitude.

Then the thunder.

And the pouring rain.

We all ran inside after that, with our clothes drenched and shivering in our t-shirts and light clothes from the cold rain.

After we had all dried up, we huddled up in my living room and binge-watched The Lord of the Rings movies, all seven of us. The storm thundering outside, heavily hitting the roof, making strong pitter-patter sounds, and our attempts at making a fire forgotten.

That day was a bit of a fiasco, but at least you learned not to try and build a fire on a day that was predicted to storm.

Hey to you too,

Not really in the right state of mind? We weren't in the right state of mind at all. Although it really did show that the only sane people in our friend group was Emory and Felix. The rest of us are questionable in terms of our common sense when it comes to weather and ideas.


P.S. Yeah! The weather has been so hot lately. I can't wait for autumn to come.

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