twenty nine.

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chenle was staring out the window, a gloomy expression painting his features. he hasn't been feeling the best lately, many things making him feel upset. the male sighed, resting his head in his arms that were laying on the counter. his right hand went up to his hair, and he started absentmindedly tugging at it.

when the bell rang, chenle looked up to see jisung. "oh, hey there," chenle spoke, still pulling at his hair. jisung gave him a small smile, pressing his lips together. he then quickly grabbed his candy and payed for it.

as the younger was about to leave, he turned back to chenle. "are you okay?" he cautiously asked, voice still below a whisper. chenle tilted his head to the side, pursing out his lips. he thought for a minute.

no, he wasn't okay. he was truly worried that jisung wasn't doing well. after what the younger had shared with him that night in chenle's apartment, the older couldn't help but feel more protective over him. chenle always worried for the younger, wondering if he was okay, and now jisung's asking him? it shouldn't be like this. chenle didn't want that. it should be the other way around, chenle should be the one asking jisung if he's okay. this didn't feel right to him.

"y—yeah, all good," chenle lied. jisung didn't seemed convinced, but he let it go. it seemed like the best thing to do at that moment.

"alright then, goodbye," jisung quietly said. chenle nodded, dozing off in a daydream while looking at the blank wall beside him.

A/N: I deeply apologize for updating two days late. I've been sick and busy with school, so I had no time to write, I hope you understand.



✓ 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐕𝐄𝐍𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐄 𝐒𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐄, chensung. Where stories live. Discover now