A not so normal day

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Callen's pov:
Just as every day I got out of my bed and into the bathroom to get myself ready for work. Glancing at the clock in the kitchen, only to see that I'm a bit late for breakfast, again! Guess that happens when your fiancee normaly prepears your breakfast, well to be honest meals in general since I can't cook to safe my life. Picking up my phone I write a quick SMS to Liz, telling her how much i Love and miss her. And asking how long she thinks she will stay with her dad.
I knew I should of just went with her, but with all those cases my Team would of gotten suspicious if I just went on leave. That's why I might tell them when Liz is back home again. No, I'm definitely telling them so we finally can get married! I mean, we are dating since she was 16 and I 19. Guess we should tell everyone, well at least my Team/Friends. Hopefully I'm going to survive that conversation. After all those blind dates Sam set up and made me go to. Not to forget the fact that I kept her a secret for all those years. Even from Hetty! That in itself is a wonder to be honest! A honk suddenly throws me out of my thoughts. I quickly grab my bags and coffee to go before I ran out the door where Sam is already waiting for me. With a smirk on his lips he asks why I'm late again since it's the 3 time this week. Just telling him i overslept wasn't the smartest thing to say since now he is nagging me about who the girl is that keeps me up all night. If he knew how totally wrong he is... The whole drive he wont stop while I just look out the window thinking about the real reason I'm out late this whole week. When we finally arrived at work Kensi and Deeks are already there, which means today we really are late. While Sam still wont shut up about my mystery women, Kensi looks about ready to slap Deeks upside his head. Not caring what happens around me I just put my bags under my tabel and start with the reports for our latest case. About an hour later my phone rang, which is odd since nobody normally calls me during work. Pulling out the phone i get antsy when I see the caller ID.

Gibts pov:
Todays the last day Liz is with me. I'm gonna miss her, the late talks and the family dinners we have. But I understand why she isn't staying as long as planned. With G still in LA and all it's logical. I never thought I'd get a family after what happend with Shannon and Kelly but then there was Liz. I couldn't love her any more if she was my own blood. I adopted her when she was 10. We found each other at the perfect Time. She was this tiny and silent girl but in her eyes you saw the fighter that she really was and still is! After her parents died she got put into foster care, she however ran away from her foster home and right into me. We fell on the floor and my coffee spilled all over us. Other kids would of cried because the coffee was burning hot but not her. No she jumped up grabbed her backpack and tried to shove me 5 dollars in my face while screaming sorry and running of. It took me nearly 3 days till I found her hiding in a park by the jungel gym. When I tried to talk to her she just looked at me with those big blue eyes while looking for an escape route. After convincing her that I won't hurt her, which took me hours might I add, we went to my favorite diner to get something in her growling belly. Not long after I adopted her, secretly of course so she would stay as safe as possible. At the age of 16 she went to become the best marine there is to make me proud. Since she was the best in her classes she got assigned for her first tour pretty quick. No one knew how terrified I was when she told me about it, but when I heard that G would be a part of her team, it soothed my nerves a bit. Still I was immensely relieved and thankful when she got home safely! After her 5 tour she went on leave and started to become a writer. To my utter relief!! But back to right now. Liz in the kitchen making pancakes for the both of us, our coffees already on the table. „Good morning sweetheart, how did you sleep." I ask her while sitting down.
„good morning dad! I slept just fine after talking to Cal. How about you?" chuckling at her response I just shake my head at how in love the two of them still are. „i slept alright, thanks. So did you two decide on a date for the wedding?" her deep breath tells me the answer already. „Do I need to remind G of my promise of what will happen if he hurts you?" she turns around and puts our plates on the table before she looks at me. „I don't want to marry him if he isn't even ready to tell his teammates. At the beginning it was ok for me, but after 10 years. Why do you think he is keeping us a secret for this long?" the hurt look and tone broke my heart, so I just stand up and hug her like I used to when she was little. „He loves you. You know that! And the only reason he hasn't told them is because he wants to keep you safe! You know our jobs are dangerous and we make ourselves enemies while at work!" after a minute or two she let go of me and we start to enjoy our breakfast. „When goes your flight back?" I asked trying to keep my voice neutral. She of course still picks up on my mood. „You know you could always come with me. Take some time off of work." She says with a soft smile.
„we both know that I can't do that. DiNozzo would most likely drive everyone crazy. And I'm sure G wants some alone time after you stayed with me for a week." shaking her head at me being stubborn as she always tells me and stars eating the rest of her breakfast.
After everything was put away and her suitcase was packt, I drove her to the airport before going back to work. I hope G tells his team soon about them dating. Even thought i can't blame him, after all except Abby no one knows that I have a daughter. Abby also only knows because she once went in on Liz and I's family dinner, thinking it was a date. Awkward is a nice way to describe that awkward situation back then. Since then the two of them got really close friends more like sisters even, well after I explained the real connection between Liz and myself. But i'm really happy those two get along that great. Abby is like a second daughter to me, so we are a happy little family.
Today seems to be a quite work day for a change. It's already 10am and still no case on our desks. When I look at my computer I realise I got a mail with Liz in the title. As I opened it, I nearly shout out all swear words I know. But instead I reach to my phone and call a number I know by heart.

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