The phone call

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Callens pov: (kursiv is a foreign language)
Not looking at my team I hurriedly answer the call. „What happened? Is Liz ok?" Sam is eyeing me skeptical while standig up from his desk. „someone took her! I don't know who or where she is. I got a mail with a link to a live broadcast. She...she, god Callen someone hurt her! She has bounds on her arms and she has a cut on her head. She just lies there!" just clenching my fist while trying to figure out what to do next. „ok, i'm coming with the next plane and" but Gibbs already interrupts me. „don't, I am pretty sure she is back in LA already. She flew back this morning, meaning to surprise you!! you put a gps tracker in her ring right? Could you ping her?" I flipped my bag over looking for said tracker. As soon as I found it I head up to ops, taking three stairs at a time,  to get there as fast as I could. Not thinking straight in the slightest, I went in and told everyone to leave the room immediately! Well more like yelled..but who cares right now! While everybody ran out as fast as possible, Sam, Deeks and Kensi ran in with worried faces. Sam trying to talk to me while the other two looked on confused. „I don't have time for this!! Get out!! Just get out!!" I yelled out at them. After one or two seconds Sam told them to leave and to not let anyone in. Not even Hetty, which seems to set them off quite a bit. He waited till the door was closed and locked it right afterwards. „What is the matter G? Let me help!" just shaking my head I went back to my phone."can you send me the link? I'm in ops now, Sam won't leave... hope you don't mind. I'm gonna try to ping her right away!" putting the tracker up and pulling the data out of it to find her location. „got her! She is 15 minutes away from the LAX. When do you arrive?" hearing his deep sigh I know he is already making plans. „the link is send. I arrive in LA in 45 minutes. We are going right to her after touchdown! Got to go!" shutting my phone down and pull the secret one out, sending Gibbs the new number like we always do in emergencies. Ignoring Sams stare I put up the link on the big screen. Sam immediately stands next to me looking between me and the screen. „Who is that? Is she the reason you act like this?" without thinking I answered „my fiancée." the shocked indrawn breath says it all, but I have more important thinks to do. Some klicks hear and there and I hacked the camera. „What do you mean your fiancée? Since when? Why didn't you tell me!? And since when do you know how to hack!?" guess he got frustrated of me not answering his questions, so he turns me to face him and asks again. He looks pretty pissed off but right now, I really don't care. But since I know that he won't stop nagging me till he gets his answers, I take a deep breath and reply. „Her name is Liz. She stayed at her dads house for the past week. Shouldn't of come back for another few days but she wanted to surprise me and come back early. Someone kidnapped her, so I'm sorry Sam, but right now I don't have the time for anything other than getting her back!!" he looked me in the eyes for a moment before nodding. „Ok, What can I do?" Taking another deep breath I just ask him to keep an eye on the door while I try to talk to Liz trough camera. Making it beep a few times gets her attention immediately.

(Liz is using sign language while Callen uses Morse signal with the camera light.)
Looking at the camera confusion clearly written on her face. „It's me love. Dad is already on his way to LA. Gonna get you out in about 30 minutes." she just looks at the camera for a minute longer before she turns her back at me. Why would she do that?! But just as I wanted to try again she turns back around, but this time without her bindings. That's my girl I thought smiling at the screen. „Hey Cal! Sry about that. Wanted to surprise you, but not quit like that." she signed while smiling in the camera. God I missed her so much!! And then something like that happens. I can't lose her! I just can't!! „How are you? Did they hurt you? Do you know how many there are?" she just shook her head a bit. „M fine, Head hurts a bit. Not sure, I only saw 4." that's good, 4 isn't that much. We could get her out to safety really quick!! Suddenly there is a banging on the door, without a doubt it's Hetty wanting to know what's going on. Sam just keeps standig there, arms crossed and a stoic face. I quickly send another message to Liz before I have to get going. „I need to leave now. But don't worry, i'm already on my way to you! Just keep safe till your dad and I get to you. I love you! Don't forget that!!" seeing her soft smile nearly melted my hear but no time for that right now. „Just be safe! Both you and dad!! I love you too!" with that I stopped the camera and pulled all the feeds off from the ops monitors. Turning around to Sam asking what I need to before heading to the airport. „Do you really want to come? I already got her dad so it won't be necessary! It could cost our job." he just looks at me like I am crazy before answering with a duh tone. „I'm in! Without a doubt!" getting my secret phone and putting it back in my pocket. Pulling out my gun and mark, seeing Sam doing the same.
Opening the door I'm not surprised to see Hetty looking mad es ever! Without saying a word, I hand her my gun and mark. Making my way down the stairs and to Sams car. Hearing the others yelling our names we got in the car and head off. Telling Sam to go to my house first, he just does as asked. Running in I instantly see Liz suitcase at the front door. Her perfume still lingering in the air. Shaking my head I head to the laundry room where all my guns are hidden. Grabbing everything that we might need I went back out to the front. „Do I want to know where you got those from?" sam asks eyeing the weapons. „Necessities!" is all I say.
When we pulled up in front of the airport I can already see Gibbs heading our way. He gets in the backseat and looks from me to Sam. „Are you sure you want to be a part of this?" without a second Sam answers with a simple yes before heading to the warehouse where Liz is kept hostage!

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