Do you remember me

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Sams pov:
I can't believe it!!! After all those years she suddenly stays in front of me!! White raven, that was the only answer I ever got and to even get that code name I needed to asks nearly every favor in that I was given! When I started to work for NCIS I even bribed Nate to look if he could find anything about that name. But there was nothing, absolutely nothing! It was irritating and frustrating i just wanted to thank her!! Without her I wouldn't still be here and i know that! I don't know how I could miss the similarities between that women that safed me and Liz!! Those eyes, I should of known the second I saw her! I knew she looked familiar and I instantly felt a connection but I couldn't put two and two together. After Hetty send us home I really considered to wait out front but decided against it. I couldn't go home, i would worry Michelle and the kids if they would see me like that. That's why i drove to the beach to get a clear head. I also wrote Michelle that I don't know when I come home and to not worry. Now I'm in front of G's house, debating if I should or shouldn't go up and talk to her. Honestly I'm being ridiculous and I need to get my shit together! I was looking for her forever and now that I know who she is I am to chickened out to walk up to a fucking house. Looking at the clock I see it's already 8pm, so if i want to do this it's now or tomorrow! Shaking my head at myself, I finally get out of the car and up to the door. I just debate for a second before I knock. G opens the door looking surprised that I would come over this „late". Not knowing if he knows about the rescue or not I don't really know what to say.
„Sam everything ok? You don't look to good!" he asks and opens the door wider so I could come in. „Is Liz alright?" I ask him instead of answering because that's the most important right about now. A small smile takes over his face. „She is ok, thanks for asking. I shouldn't of said what I did, but we are good again." he answers quietly. „May i talk to her for a second?" I ask him unsure of myself if I really should do this now and with G around. He looks surprised but nods anyway while pointing towards their living room. Taking another deep breath I head towards a chair that stands across from the couch Liz is sitting on. „Sam, is everything ok?" she asks and immediately sits up straighter. „You look quite pale!" she adds and looks worried. I just look at her for a minute before saying anything. It's unbelievable that i didn't make the connection before, she looks just the same as years ago.
„Do you remember me?" I ask her, starring into her eyes to make sure she doesn't lie. She lets herself sink back into the couch. G sat down next to her and watching closely what is going on. „Of course I remembered you. I haven't forgotten anyone we ever got out, neither those we lost. I didn't think that you would know, you were in pretty bad shape." she answers softly. „You were the one who got him out. The one he was looking for the last 7 years." G asks even though it was more of a statement than a question. She didn't say anything but stands up and went to their bedroom. I guess it wasn't a good idea to come in. Just as I wanted to take my leave she walks back out. She hands me an old looking envelope. Wait it couldn't be, she wouldn't of kept it!! Slowly turning it over I see my messy handwriting - for Michelle - is standing at the front. I feel the tears forming as I softly touch the writing. „You kept it? I thought it got lost when I woke up and no one knew where it was." I say with some tears rolling down my cheek. Quickly wiping them of and trying to stop others to come. „You asked me to keep it in case you wouldn't make it. That's why I took it with me when my team had to leave. I checked in with the hospital and your captain about your recovery. When I knew you were back on your feet I wanted to give it back but wasn't allowed to. The director was scared that it would blow my cover, so I kept it. It wouldn't of felt right to throw it away." she tells me while holding tightly onto G's hand. „I'm sorry for not telling you. Please don't be mad." she whispers to him her head down. He softly puts a finger under her chin and pulls it up so she was looking him in the eyes. „I am not mad!! You weren't allowed to tell and i understand! We already talked about it earlier." he answers her softly before giving her a quick kiss. Her shoulders instantly relax and leans her head on his shoulders. I smile at them and clear my throat to get their attention. „I'm going to leave you two alone again. I just wanted to come here and thank you! You safed my life that day and I am never going to forget that! So thank you!" I say before heading to the door. Suddenly I am tackled from behind. Liz smiles shyly and hugs me closely. „It was my job to safe you! And you already did a lot for me, you kept Cal safe all these years and still are and you helped get me back even though you didn't know me. So I should be the one saying tank you" she whispers so G couldn't hear what she said. Smiling softly down at her before answering her. „I would say we are even then!" she nods softly with a smile on her face. After a nod back I turn around and leave feeling a lot lighter. Now it's time to go home to my family and tell them about finding my hero today.

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