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Sam's pov:
How could everything in just a few hours went so downhill!? Never did I thought G would keep something from me. Especially not as big as this. Damn it, I thought we trust each other! I thought we are family!! But looking at him right now, so broken and hurt. I understand why he never said a word, it was to protect the one he loves. He never really had a family and now that he has, he does everything to protect them. How could I hold that against him. Looking at Gibbs, G and Abby you need to be blind to not see how much they mean to each other. And now with one family member in surgery they hold on to each other as if their life depends on it. All three of them look awful, the sorrow seems to surround them like a dark cloud. Not long after, Abby fell asleep on Gibbs shoulder while the two men keep whispering to each other, being in there own little world. I really want to go to them, show them that i'm here for them, but I won't intrude there bubble. So I just take a seat with an extra chair between them and me. Gibbs looks up at me and nods in thanks I guess. „Thanks for your help and everything! You're a really good friend Sam" G tells me with a hoarse voice from crying. Which only hurts even more to see him like this. I never thought I would ever see him crying or broken like this. Now we only can hope and pray that Liz is going to be alright. When the door finally opens after hours of waiting and the surgeon asks for the family of Elizabeth Gibbs, the little family nearly ran over to him immediately. Not hearing what's being said is absolutely nerve wrecking. So I try to get at least a glimpse of their conversation. Trying to get a little closer doesn't really help since they are talking so quietly. The relieved look on their faces however soothes my worry's just a little. When they suddenly nod and leave I try to follow but Hetty stands in the way. „Don't! Let them have some alone time Mr Hanna." nodding my head I go back to the waiting area where everyone else is still waiting for any news.
Sitting down in the same chair as before the interrogation starts. „Mr. Hanna, would you please tell us now what was going on!? What where you thinking? Storming out of the office like that!" seems like Hetty and director Vance aren't patient at the moment. „It is not my place to tell!! So I'm sorry but I won't answer any of your questions!" they looked a little shocked at my response but honestly, did they really think I would say anything?! G is my partner more like my brother! How could they think I would say anything without his consent!? Ignoring them all I lean back in my seat and wait for G or Gibbs to come back out.

Callen's pov:
Getting led to Liz room was like a roller coaster ride. We all hope she would be alright and at the same time the doctor is telling us how she still is in critical condition and to not getting our hopes up. But he doesn't know her, doesn't know what a fighter she is! She is going to pull through, she has to!!!
I have no idea what I would do without her... I neither can nor want to live a second without her by my side! and Gibbs, I don't think he would survive if he loses another daughter. I swear, if she is pulling trough all of this, i'm going to tell everyone about us and start planning our wedding like we should of done a very long time ago!! I swear I will do everything in my power to make her happy and keep her safe for the rest of my life! So please, please, please let her pull through!!!
When we stop infront of her door I am pulled out of my thoughts and back to right now. Slowly I open the door as to not wake or scare Liz. Quitely going to her right side and taking her hand in mine. The tears start to fall all over again when I see how fragile and weak she looks in that hospital bed. She is extremely pale which shouldn't surprise me that much, after all, the doctor told us that she lost a lot of blood. Still it's frightening to see her like that. Seeing Gibbs holding her left hand with tears running down his face only makes my heart break even more. He always is the strong one within our little family. So seeing him like this hurts! Why did any of that has to happen!? Why did she has to get hurt again!? That's so unfair!!
Abby takes a seat next to Gibbs trying and failing to wipe away her tears that seem never ending. No idea how long we sat there crying and praying. Willing all our strength into Liz.
„We need to let the rest know that she is going to be ok. And we need to tell them what happened. I'm sure they are still waiting outside." Gibbs finally says. „You are right! But I can't leave her side right now, I just can't!" I whisper back without lifting my head. He lays his arm on my shoulder and squeeze it a bit. „I know son. You and Abby stay with her while I talk to them. Makes me feel better knowing you guys are watching over her!" with that he leaves .

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