Liz the hacker?

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Callen's pov:
A lot of time has passed since Gibbs talked with the director. We all decided to go back to NCIS after the law was put out that if anything happens to a family member the normal rules are out of order. Everything works out greatly it seems. Liz wound is slowly healing up which is a really good thing.
Just after Sam and I got back from a case, Liz walked in. She immediately came to me and kissed me before greeting Sam, Kensi and Deeks. „Ah Ms. Gibbs you are a bit early. Would you please come to my office? Tea?" Hetty appears suddenly from nowhere. With a last smile our way Liz follows Hetty. When I went to get over to the two women's Granger stops me. „Sorry but this is classified" and went over to where I was just heading. What is going on? It doesn't take long before Hetty waves me over. Standing behind Liz I look quizzical to Hetty and Granger. „Ms. Gibbs, i tried and failed to find any document about you, not of you ever being in the NAVI nor anything else. That's why I asked Owen for the file names but that also didn't get any results. May I ask you how that is possible?" Hetty asks with a irritated look. „Well, they are there. They are just not easy to find since I might have hacked the systems of every agency to become a ghost so to speak." Liz answers matter of factly. Granger smirks at Hetty while telling her how he told her that Liz is amazing in hacking. „You hacked every database?" I ask her quietly with a large smile on my face. She is just fucking perfect for me!! Can't say often enough how much I love her. „How come that no one knows that you hacked the systems?" Hetty wants to know looking stunt and impressed. „That's because me wonderful fiancée is fucking smart!" i proudly announce to everyone. „Mr. Beale would of catched on!? Wouldn't he?" the unsure tone of her voice was a bit nagging. „It depends how good he is and what his resources are." Liz deadpanns. After some more questions we make our way up to ops. That is going to be funny, Liz has no idea Erik is Mr. Beale! I just hope she won't hurt his feelings to much!! First of Hetty cleared ops up except for us and Erik. Erik looks kind of frightened but he tries to hide it. „Before we go any deeper in the hacking, Ms. Gibbs I would like to be able to read your file!" not answering but instead going to one of the computers she does her magic and within a minute her file was on the big screen. „I hope you all are authorized to read that." is all that she says before sitting in one of the chairs. Nodding her head she tells Erik to print the file for her and then asks Liz to make it invisible again. „You realize that what you just did isn't even possible!? Right?" Hetty asks Liz with amazement. When Erik hands Hetty the papers she starts again. She tells Erik about a hacker who might of hacked all agencies including NCIS, if he can find anything suspicious. When after 10 minutes he still hasn't found anything Liz seems to get board and goes back to the computer. With some klicks here and there she shows them where they where hacked. Erik looks amazed at Liz immediately wanting to know how she did that. After she described what she did and where, we all looked lost even Erik doesn't understand what she just told us. „You guys realize that, that was the easy version! Right?" when we finally came back from our shocked state Hetty asks Liz if she understands what she just did. Shrugging her shoulders as it wasn't a big deal that she could just hack anything without getting caught. „Why don't we talk about that another day. I'm guessing Ms. Gibbs hasn't eaten anything for lunch, so why don't you go out to eat while I read that file." Hetty clearly dismisses us. Not really caring because i can go eat out with my fiancée. We ask the rest of the team to join us but they declined since they already ate something. Taking Liz by the hand we walk a few blocks to a small diner we both enjoy quit frequently.

Hetty's pov:
Waiting till the two are out of the building I look at Owen for answers. „Did she just do what I think she did?" I ask him still confused at how she could of done that! „I told you she is incredible! You didn't believed me!" he tells in an accusation. Shaking my head I go back to my office to read her file. Maybe if she has a clear record she could work for us? With her knowledge in technology and also her fighting skills it would really help the team! But firstly comes the file. Taking my cup of tea to take a sip before I start.
After everything I just read about young Ms. Gibbs I'm stunned how she managed to convince everyone to let her leave the NAVY. With her skills and knowledge she was and I'm pretty sure still is a asset to everyone! No wonder Mr. Callen and her get along that good. They share so much together, same for Owen! When he once told me about that young girl that was the greatest teammate he ever had, I would of never thought I would ever meet her. And now that I know Ms. Gibbs it is kinda hard to think of her as the big asset and extra special technic geek. When you see her she looks like she couldn't hurt anyone, there is just no mean bone in her. She looks absolutely nothing like what her file says about her, but I saw how she fought the men who kidnappt her about a month ago. I really should ask her to join the team, not as an agent but as it-Profi, maybe she would agree. Well let's wait and see!
Trying to pull a few strings to see if she would get cleared of. Owen comes in „you do know the she has a higher security status than we have?" he tells me, knowing fully well what I just wanted to do. „What do you mean?" I ask him surprised. „She got the highest status there is, therefore she doesn't even need any clearance from anyone." shocked at what he just told me I tried to get some more information out of him but he just smirks before leaving. Well that gets more and more interesting!

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