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Liz pov:
That is definitely not going as planned. I just wanted to go get shopping so I could cook Cal's favorite dinner. But instead someone hit me on my head so I could only see black for some time.
Now sitting in this damn room is driving me nuts! I have no idea how much time went by and how long it takes till dad and Cal get here. Ok, maybe I should just try to get out myself. I'm an ex marine and as such I just can't sit here and wait. That's not how things work nor what I got trained for. Looking around if there is anything around which could help me get out of here or at least would help defend myself. They had guns, of that I'm sure. Thanks to dad's rules I have a knife, that won't do the trick though...
suddenly the door opens and in come two of my kidnappers. Just looking them up and down, maybe for some weak spots or for any escape route. Thats when the first one starts talking in a heavy accent. „Who are you to Mr. Callen?" not answering the question seems to piss him of, but who cares. Fact is, if he dosen't know, then they have no idea who I am nor my background! That is something I could use to my advantage!
They both take a step closer, still haven't realized that my hands aren't bound anymore. Idiots!! „Who are you to Mr. Callen?! Why were you in his house?" still not answering he goes to slap me but I grab his hand behind his back and use him as a shield when the second one shoots at me. Taking out my knife I throw it at the second one. He instantly falls to his knees while trying to drag the knife out of him. When he collapsed on the floor I take the binding and cuff them both together and take all their weapons. Looking down at my body I see a wound at my stomach where one gun shot seems to have hit me. Taking a few deep breaths I push my top up to look at the damage. It really doesn't look good. Gosh, Cal and dad are going to be pissed. Dragging two fingers through some blood, biting my lips while doing so. Turning to the wall I write BH2 on it before trying to find my way out of there.
After listening to any sounds that could detect where the rest of those idiots were I went out of the room and to my left. Trying to be as quiet as possible while rounding a corner after the other gets me finally out of there.
After figuring out where I am, I start to make my way to the second Bolt hole so dad and Cal can find me. It took me only 5 to 7 minutes before I collapse on the beach. Hopefully they don't take to long because I already can feel myself getting light headed from the blood loss.
Maybe I should of just stayed there, but I don't think that would of ended any better...

Gibbs pov:
When we finally arrived at the warehouse I get a really bad feeling. Ignoring it, I put on my bulletproof vest and take the guns G is handing me. „We go in, get to Liz and bring her out. If someone comes between us, we do whatever is necessary to get Liz out safely and stay alive ourselves!" after everyone agrees, we make our way into the building. Seeing some blood drops on the floor makes my bad feeling come right back. Looking behind me I see G looking also slightly panicked at the blood drops. „G she knows how to fight and hold herself. I'm sure she is fine!" Honestly not knowing who I try to reassure more, me or him but he just agrees and we go deeper into the building. Hearing some voices shout from a small distance we make our way towards them. Looking into a small room, which looks exactly like the one Liz was in, except we see 2 men standing above 2 others who were bound together and wounded but no Liz. Smirking at G and Sam we count to 3 and storm the room. They don't even have the time to draw their weapons so they just cooperate while we cuff them up and ask where Liz is. To our irritation and surprise, they didn't even know who she was. They were just observing G's house and thought she would be useful in getting him to get their friend out of prison. Instead when they came back from shopping they found the other two here. G picks up his phone and calls Hetty so she can send someone to get the four of them. Not waiting for anything else he ends the phone call and points to the wall behind me. Seems like Liz left us a message where we could find her. Shutting the door behind us so the four of them can't leave we head straight back to the car and to the beach. „Ok, everyone goes one way so we can find her quicker!" me going to the left, G to the right and Sam takes the middle.
Suddenly I hear yelling and immediately start running towards it. There on the beach lays Sam hands behind his back and knife on his neck. „Liz, relax! That's Sam! You know Who he is, don't you!?" slowly I come closer to her while still talking so she knows it's me and not someone who wants to hurt her. „Sam Hanna, ex Navy SEAL and Cal's Partner." she let's go of the knife and falls back on the sand. G immediately goes to Liz and calls an ambulance while I see if Sam is alright. „I didn't do anything! I swear! I just touched her shoulder to see if she is alright!" he tells me quite shocked at how she got him in that position within seconds. „Well that's my baby girl! Taught her everything I know and the navy Training helped also!" I tell him proudly while keeping a close eye on her. Not long after the ambulance arrives and loads her up. I tell G to go with her while I follow with Sam's car.
We rush there and I'm only slightly surprised to see my and G's team with Hetty and even Leon waiting already. Abby hugs me right away while crying hysterically because no one wants to tell her what happened with her little sister. Taking her with me to G who is already waiting at the nurse desk with tears rolling down his face. Taking him in my arms also, he tells us that her heart stopped two times on her way to the hospital. Hearing that I nearly collapsed but steadied myself in the last second. Asking the nurse for any news on Liz she looks at me sorrowful. „The Surgeon is performing surgery on her at the moment. She lost a lot of blood." nodding at her in thanks I take Abby and G with me to the waiting room. Sam the ever loyal partner rushes to G and hugs him while whispering to him how Liz is going to be ok.
I could see everyone wants to ask what is going on but no one dares at the moment instead they just sit next to us and give silent support. Abby falls asleep from crying so much about 15 minutes after. G and i tightly hold on to one another as if the other is our lifeline. Now it became a waiting game. Tony went out with Deeks to get us some coffees and tees. That is his silent way of showing his support to me I know that, so I smile at him in thanks.
5 long hours later the door to the surgery finally opens. „family of Elizabeth Gibbs!" I immediately sprint to the doctor G and Abby close behind me while the others just looked shocked. „She is stabil at the Moment. But she lost a lot of blood that's why she is at the critical care unit for the moment. The bullet damaged her liver that's why the bleeding was so extrem. If you guys got a little later to her, i'm afraid we couldn't of done anything to help her. That being said, if you promise to let her sleep you can come with me to her room." nodding our heads and thanking the doctor for everything he had done we went up to the critical care unit where me baby girl lays. God, I could of lost her today! I can't even think about that, that was a to close call!!!

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