A little Tibbs

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Liz's pov:
Since the case was closed dad decided to go home early so we could start on making dinner and talking about the baby's. „You never said how far along you are?" he says when he pulls away from the headquarter. „The doctor said i'm in the 11 week." I answer him while looking out of the window. „Dad. Can I ask you something?" I question him seriously. „Go ahead!" I look at him as he drives us home, thinking about how to ask him the best. I had to ask now because afterwards we won't have much time just the two of us. „Have you talked with tony?" I ask quietly, not wanting him to get mad for bringing it up, but as his daughter I have to make sure he is happy! Hearing his breath hitch a little but he still keeps on looking straight at the street. Seeing his knuckles turn slightly white only to go back to normal. He seems to think of how to answer my question or acts like he didn't hear, i'm not sure. „I didn't. Look, I know you think he may feels the same but I don't think so. You know how he always brags about all those ladies." he says, sounding really defeated. Never ever have I seen him like this, he looks older than normal. He looks like he had given up to ever be really happy again. „You know i only want you to be happy dad! And we both know that without him, there is only a slim chance about you really being happy." I whisper softly. He pulls the car over to the side and parks. „You are making me really happy Liz! I know that you worry about me, but you don't need to. I won't lie to you and say that it doesn't hurt to hear him talking about all his one night stands but if that is how he wants his life to be, than I have to accept that. But I won't tell him that I fell in love with him when i'm sure he only is going to reject me. You understand that, right?" nodding at him, I pull him into a big hug. I understand where he is coming from but those two are so in love with each other! They just are to scared of getting rejected!! Dad never thought he would ever fall for someone ever again after what happened to Shannon. He especially never thought about falling for a man but honestly who cares!? I asked him some years ago after seeing the two of them interact. At first he tried to deny it but then he told me about it. I'm happy that he trusts me with something as big as that even though I am sad that he won't admit it to Tony. Biting my lip before I decide to tell him about what I found out about Tony. „I hacked his computer." I say softly. He immediately pulls back from the hug and looks disapprovingly at me. „You what? Liz I told you not to hack into any computers if it isn't for safekeeping reasons or for work!" looking down in my lap. I hate it when he gets disappointed at me. Feeling the first tear already rolling down my cheek. He sighs and puts a finger unter my chin so I have to look at him. Softly wiping the tears away he hugs me again. „Don't cry sweetheart. I'm sorry! I know you meant well but you can't just hack someone's computer, ok?" he asks softly while holding me as close as possible. „I know dad, sorry! But I found out that he doesn't sleep around all the time like he wants everyone to think! He helps out in homeless shelters or stays at home on his weekends. He also has a secret blog account where he openly writes about being gay and in love with someone at his work but being to afraid to say something! Dad you need to talk to him, please!!" I nearly beg at the end but this is just to important to let go! He looks shocked but just as I think he might believe me he suddenly shakes his head with a sad frown. „Even if he is gay and in love with someone in the office it would never be me. I'm to old for him. If he loves someone in our team it would be McGee." he tells me with one final sad look before starting the car again. How can he be so blind about that? Does he really think so lowly of him that he can't see how Tony looks at him? Maybe I should talk to Tony about it? Someone needs to make the first step before the both of them are breaking apart! When we finally stop infront of dads house i already started to form a plan in my head. Telling dad that i'm a bit tired I walk up to my room while he and Abby start on dinner. Pulling out my laptop i went on my fake blog and start to write a message to Tony. He is in contact with me for about 3 weeks, not knowing it's me of course! I write him about how tomorrow i'm going to tell my loved one how I feel. I also ask him to do the same! Telling him how I can't keep on living like this anymore, not with not knowing how my loved one feels about me. Saying it will be easier to get rejected from him than to keep on looking from afar. I'm surprised that he answers so quickly. Reading that he thinks that I am right and that he is going to drive to his loved one right away to tell him. Writing him back and wishing him good luck with a big smile on my face. Only ten minutes later I hear Tony calling for dad. He asks him if they could talk for a few minutes. They walk down to the basement. I quietly make my way downstairs and press an ear against the basement door. Hearing Tony talking about how he hopes that Dad isn't going to hate him after what he has to say and that if he can't work with him afterwards anymore he would quit his job. Then there was a tiny break filled with silence before he starts speaking again. „You know this is a lot Harder then I expected." he says trying to sound brave. „I love you Gibbs. I loved you for over 4 years now. I know you don't feel the same way about me and that is fine, but I needed to tell you. I couldn't keep it in any longer!" he seems to get quieter and quieter but I still could hear him. Suddenly there is a bang coming from downstairs and then nothing! No sound no nothing! Then I hear dads voice, he sounds a bit out of breath. Oh, I guess I know why it was so quiet !! „I love you too Tony! Always have and always will!" smiling brightly I decided to give them a little privacy and went to the kitchen. Seeing Abby trying to cook some pasta sauce makes me grinch, last time we let her cook alone it was not eatable! Announcing my present with a cough she immediately turns around. „I promise I only stirred it!! Gibbs added everything in!" She says and blushes a bit embarrassed at my look of horror. „Ok, that's good! Why don't you let me take it from here?" I ask her and see the relief on her face. Taking a spoon to taste test the sauce, I try not to spit it right out again. Ok, i should be able to fix that, I hope! Sliding a few more carrots and onions to add into the mixture. Because right now it tastes like they only put some canned tomatoes and tomatoes paste on the oven and called it a sauce. Shaking my head at their non existent cooking skills. Dad only really knows how to grill a steak and cook some beans while Abby can't cook to safe her life! Just as I finish up the sauce Cal walks into the kitchen. He immediately panics seeing me standing this close to the oven and a knife while being pregnant. He rants on about me being unsafe around all those dangerous items. I just look at him like he lost his mind while Abby laughs at the scene he is making. It seems like dad heard the commotion because he suddenly appears behind Cal. „What is going on?" he wants to know. „Liz is in the kitchen cooking! She is way to close to the knifes and the oven for God's sake! How could you let her cook in her condition!?" he tells dad incredulously. Dad looks at him shocked. „Are you serious G? She is pregnant, not ill!! And how do you think she is going to survive in LA without something to eat because we both know that you can't cook! You are even a worse cook than Abby is and that says it all!" dad asks well more like tells Cal. He looks apologizing to Abby for saying the last part but she just shrugs knowing it's true. Cal looks at the floor shamefully. „Sorry love! I just got scared that something could happen to the baby's." he apologizes and pulls me into his arms. Hugging him back right away I fell him relax into the hug. „I love you!" he says kissing me softly. „Can I see the ultrasound again?" he asks shyly. Pulling him out of the kitchen and to my handbag. I open the zip and pick up one of the pictures. „Here, you can keep it. I asked for 4 prints so you can keep that one." he instantly takes it with a soft smile and caresses the two blobs. Seeing dad holding Tony close I play innocent and look at him questionable. Coming over to me, Tony still by his side, he tells me softly how Tony came over to tell him about his feelings towards him. I hug him closely and tell them how happy I am for them. Suddenly dad looks at me with furrowed brows. „Do you have anything to do with this?" he asks me sternly. „I told you about the blog. So I might have been in contact with him for some time and I might have told him about how I would tell my loved one about my feelings to get it off my chest." I say not looking at nether of them. When Tony starts to laugh I peek up a bit and see how dad also starts to laugh at what I said. Tony pulls me into a hug and thanks me for making him admit his feelings to my dad. Smiling at the two again and tell them that i'm just happy that they are finally together.
Abby had in the meantime set the table and Cal brought out the spaghetti with the sauce, so we sit down and start dinner as a family. Today really was an awesome day. Firstly I find out that i'm pregnant and then, dad and Tony admit their feelings to one another!

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