I quit

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Gibbs pov:
With a last glance at my daughter I leave the room to face the rest of my and G's teammates and bosses. That is really a conversation that I never wanted to have. But I know that they are all worried for us so I can't not tell them.
Taking a deep breath and wiping the remaining tears from my face I open the door and step out to the waiting room. Tony sees me first and stands up. „Boss?" is all he says and it's enough. Embracing him in a tight hug seems to dazzle him a bit, still he returns it. „are the four of you ok?" he asks softly while pulling back a bit to look into my eyes. Just nodding a bit before I make my way farther down to the rest of them. Sitting right next to Sam, squeezing his shoulder lightly. I hope he knows how thankful G and I are that he helped us get Liz back. Even though he doesn't know her, he risked his job and even his life to help. „You ok? She didn't hurt you did she?" I quitely ask him so no one else hears. „Don't worry about it, i'm fine. How is your daughter doing?" not being able to hide my emotions at the moment I'm sure he sees the pained look because he immediately hugs me. „She is going to be fine! I just know she will!!" smiling a bit at his words. „Do they know anything?" „no we don't! Mr. Hanna refused to tell us anything without yours or Mr. Callens approval." Hetty exclaimed only a few inches away from us. Gratefully smiling at Sam again, he really is an awesome friend and partner before I turn to the rest of them. How to start that conversation....good thing i'm always so good with words...mark the sarcasm!!!
„Ok! Elizabeth is my adoptive daughter, which was kept a secret for safekeeping reasons. I'm still surprised no one found out earlier about it. Not even the marine corps! G and Liz met at her first tour, since then they were inseparable!" i tell them with a small smile on my lips, thinking of them stammering out how they fell in love with each other and that they hope I would be fine with it. „Someone send me a mail with a link that showed her kept hostage earlier today. So I called the only one I knew would help without questions asked. He got her whereabouts within a minute seeing the sly fox put a tracker in her ring. Trained him good!" I smirk to myself. Having said what needed to be said, I wait for any questions that may come my way. „So, you Mr. Callen and Mr. Hanna went out to bring your daughter back? Why didn't you tell anyone else? We would of helped!" Leon asks pissed of for letting him in the dark about everything. „They took my daughter! G's fiancée! We wanted her back, unharmed and fast! There was absolutely no time for second guessing! And I would do it the same way within a heartbeat!! Family comes always first! You should know that by now!!" I answered irritated, already getting angry of being out here waisting time, time I could be with my family only a few doors away from here.  Standing up to leave again I turn around and look at Leon one last time. „You know what, I quit. I don't know what G is going to do. But Sam was a complete innocent part in this! He just helped his partner!" with that said I leave them there, looking shocked after me with their mouths wide open. Who cares thought, the only thing important to me is my little girl at that moment. Taking a deep breath before opening the door to my little family. A small smile instantly forms at my lips when I see all of them sleeping soundly on Liz's hospital bed. G and Abby still holding her hands, their head's only a few inches away. When the door opens I instantly go into high alert, gun pulled out and ready to protect my family without any questions asked! When I see the doctor looking shocked I lower the gun and apologize. After a minute or two he regains his composure and went in to look at all the machines Liz is connected to. From the side I see G looking at his every move. Gun still not completely put away. Walking to him I put my hands on his shoulders and feel him instantly relax under the light pressure. „she is stabilizing way faster than we hoped! She really is a fighter!" the doctor tells us with a small smile before he leaves the room again. „How was your talk with them?" G asks without looking away from Liz unmoving body. At least she isn't as pale as she was at the beginning. „I told them what happened, Leon got pissed and then I told him I quit." G suddenly turns around and looks at me with big eyes. „Before you say anything, look at it from my point of view! He didn't asked how any of us are doing he just kept on asking why I didn't told him! I just can't keep working with or for someone who doesn't understand that family comes first!" he kept on staring at me for a few seconds before he nods his head. „Well, then let's write our resignations!" he took some paper lying next to the bed and starts right away. „You don't have to do this G!" i try to reason with him, already knowing he made up his mind and won't change it. „I do! You are right, Family comes first! If they are to dump to realize that, then it's their loss. I'm pretty sure other agencies would take us with open arms." „hand me some paper to G!" Abbys sleepy voice says, shocking the both of us. „Abby, you Love your Job!" shaking her head she looks stubborn like ever! „Hand me some paper! I may love my job but family comes always first! I love the three of you way more than a job!" looks like stubbornness is running in our little family. Handing her some paper and taking one for myself we all start writing our resignation without really caring. I know the only thing I really need is in this small room. And not to brag but G is right, finding a new job within any other agency should be easy since they send us applications all the time. Finishing up my form I fold it and wait for the other two to finish. Not long after they fold their papers also. Looking them in the eyes I try again to tell them that they really don't have to do this, without any other outcome. Which to be honest was pretty obvious to me. All of us are really protective of our family, so if anything or anyone try's to harm it we fight tooth and nails. Getting up to deliver our papers G Shakes his head. „you went before, now it's my turn!" Abby stands up also telling us she will go with G. I'm to stay here with Liz and keep an eye on her. Smiling at the two of them in thanks, and hugging each one again before taking my seat next to Liz.
That could be a brand new start for all of us! Maybe we could take some time off before starting at a new job. Going on a holiday, just the four of us. That sounds pretty good to me. „Just come back to us sweetheart! We miss you already like crazy!!!" I whisper into Liz ear before going back to holding her hand.

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