Owen explain

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Hetty's pov:
Seeing how ms. Gibbs fight is really amazing to watch. She is fast, hits every target just right and her technique is pretty much perfect. I wonder where she learned that. Those moves are a mix of various fight techniques. They decided to go 4 against her, I really should go between them, after all she is pregnant! But just as I went to stop them she gets into a fighting position that tells me she won't need any help. It seems she wasn't really fighting before. It took her only 3 minutes to win!! I never saw someone fight so gracefully. Every move is is perfectly timed and absolutely deadly. Maybe I should rethink my decision to not let her be an agent, but that isn't the most important right now.

When she more or less told us she is the white raven I couldn't believe it!!! I thought it was a myth but now after seeing what she is capable of. She not only knows how to fight earnestly, no she also can pretty much hack everything if she wants to. No wonder that every agency fought to get her on their team!!! The only thing I don't get is how the NAVY could of ever let her go!? I know how they work, they always try to not lose someone as important!! So how did she manage to leave and stay hidden for all those years? On the other hand, she hid her file and no one knew her real name. She also changed her surname. A pretty intelligent move from her!
When mr. Callen asked why she never told him, she seems to collapse into herself. He immediately apologizes and pulls her close. Seeing how her shoulders start to shake I immediately make sure that everyone leaves the gym. Taking one last sad look back at the two of them before shutting the door behind me and tell the rest to go home. After some convincing they leave. It's honorable of them to want to make sure their two teammates were ok, but I have a feeling they would appreciate it if we would let them be for now.
Slowly making my way to my office, I pick up the phone to call Owen. He definitely has to answer some questions! He knew her, that means he knew who she was! How on earth could he keep that a secret from me!
After a few rings he picks up. „Hetty, what can I do for you?" he asks in his usual indifferent voice. „My Office now! And Owen? You better prepare for yourself to answer some questions!" telling him maybe a tad bit angrier than I should but it pisses me of that he kept such an important news hidden.
While I wait for Owen is see mr. callen carrying ms. Gibbs out front. I really hope they can work through whatever triggered her to draw back like this.
It took Owen nearly half an hour to arrive. „What is the matter Hetty?" he wants to know instantly. „You knew! You knew the hole time that ms. Gibbs is the white raven! Why haven't you told me!! How could you keep that information from me?!" I demand from him angrily! My priority is to keep my agents and every single employee safe and to do that I need information for gods sake!!! He looks at me with wide eyes not knowing what to say I guess. „Owen, now!" I seethe my patience running lower by the second. Releasing a deep breath he took a seat opposite from me. „The whole team was sworn to secrecy. We all adored and still adore Liz very much, so we swore to never tell anyone to keep her safe. She could easily get targeted for that." he answers softly, nearly whispering but I heard him. Taking a deep breath to cool a little off, what he said is true. The more people that knew who she was put her life at risk, so why would she tell us. „She has to trust you, otherwise she would of never told you!" he adds even quieter then he was before. Nodding at him a small smile forming on my lips, it's good that she trusts us!! „Is there anything else I should be aware of?" I ask him looking at him closely to see if he would lie or not. „Nothing that I could or would change anything. I'm happy she took this job, makes life easier knowing that she is close by and safe!" he answers keeping eye contact as if knowing what I was doing. „Did mr. Hanna say anything to her?" he asks suddenly tense. Looking at him quizzically, why would he say something. „Why would he? And why are you suddenly so tensed?" I ask while trying to understand what is going on. „You know we did a lot of rescue missions. Once we had to rescue Sams team." he pauses a second. „I don't know if he remembers anything from then, he was pretty bad injured. Liz was the one who found him, he was in a separate room. She safed his life by throwing herself in between one of the guys and him. The bullet went through her left shoulder but she managed to shoot the guy and even carried Sam out front to the rest of us. We were just debating to go back in to look for her when she came out. We got flown out to get the wounded ones checked out. Liz was the one who performed first aid on his wounds as good as possible. We made sure that at the hospital no one knew that Liz was there. A year later, we heard that someone was looking for our team, especially Liz." he says not looking up from his hands once. „I don't know if he found out anything at all since everything was kept strictly secret, but still there is the possibility that he found out at least her code name."  he says the worry clearly to hear in his voice. „He didn't say anything Owen. Thinking back thought, he looked really pale when he heard the name." I answer him playing the moment in my head over and over again. I thought it was because he knew about the special ops that name was in but maybe it was shock that he found the person who safed him. „Well I guess we have to wait for tomorrow to find out." I tell him after some time. „I am going to be hear in the morning then!" he says before standing up and left the building, letting me alone to think of the events from today.

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