The announcment

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Callen's pov:
Never would I thought I could get any happier than I was with Liz. But now after knowing that she is pregnant with my TWO babies i'm ecstatic!!! Still not over the fact that I'm going to become a daddy! I already can't wait to finally hold them in my arms!!!
Liz went out with Abby to get some things from the grocery store. „how are you son? It's a huge step for the both of you." Gibbs says when he took a seat next to me. „I won't lie, I'm scared but more than scared i'm happy to start our own little family." he pats my shoulder with a soft smile. „Becoming a dad, is the best thing that has ever happened to me. You will see, you are going to become more scared as time goes by, but when you look at them, you just know. You know that how scared you may are, you are going to be everything that they need you to be. You know that you are doing the damn hardest to keep them safe and sound because they need you! At times it's hard but in reality it's the best thing that is ever going to happen to you!" he says. „And if you ever need anything, i'm always just a call away from you guys." I hug him close and thank him for his help. „So you and DiNozzo?" the shy smile makes me hug him again. „I'm happy for you dad!" „thank you son! That means a lot to hear that from you! I wasn't sure if you would accept it." he says while looking at the fireplace. „Love is Love Dad, and as long as you guys are happy i'm happy!" just as he wants to say something the door opens and Abby with Liz in tow enters. „Abby why am I not allowed to help unload the car? You are acting ridiculous!" liz whines. At hearing this Gibbs and I went outside to unload before she could. To our luck she doesn't sees us helping otherwise she would definitely scold us to. Without saying anything we put everything away quickly and went down to the basement. „Good luck with keeping her still!" Gibbs tells my laughing at his stubborn daughter. „When do you guys tell the rest of your and my team about being pregnant?" he asks while pulling out his bourbon. „Liz and i thought we make a Family dinner our last day here with your team and then another one back home the day after we come home. Sam knows to stay quiet till we tell them so that should work out just fine, I hope!" telling him our plan puts a big smile on his face. „That's a Good plan! A really good one! So dinner tomorrow evening in LA?" nodding at him, he already started with a new boat. One time I hope to find out how he gets them out of here! „Looking for a hidden door again?" he asks laughing at me. Letting him downstairs to work at his new boat, I head back upstairs to see if I could help with the dinner preparation.

2 hours later, Ellie, Tim, Tony, Palmer and Dr. Mallard arrived. Tony seems not to know how to act with Gibbs. Slowly making my way to him to pull him aside. I see Gibbs discretely nodding upstairs. „Hey could you help me upstairs for a minute?" I ask tony who seems to understand and comes along instantly. We hear the rest ask if they should come along but Abby and Liz tell them it's fine and to just sit down. Just as we arrived upstairs we hear dad swear and hear him excuse him for a minute. Showing Tony to Gibbs room and ushering him in while waiting outside. Seeing Gibbs come upstairs with a huge wet spot on his shirt. He tapps his nose with a smile and enters his room. Those two are really cute! Ok, that is something I won't be saying out loud!
When Liz calls that dinner is ready, i knock on their door. They come out with Gibbs in a new shirt and both smiling lovingly at each other. Sitting down at the desk downstairs I watch as Gibbs and Tony take a seat next to each other, good going girls. Smirking at them they seem to get my message. „Before we start to eat the delicious meal we want to tell you about some happy news." I start as Gibbs interrupts. „More like two well three good news. If that is alright for you two?" he asks us. Just telling him to go ahead he smiles at the rest on the table and holding out his hand for Tony to grab. „Tony and I want to tell you that we are dating." he says and once again looks at their faces. Well until everyone broke up into happy laughter shouting finally to Tony's and Gibbs shock. „Wait so who won the bet?" Ducky asks Abby. She just smiles innocently and points at Tim. „Tim was the only one who said it would take you both that long to tell each other about your feelings." tony looks at Liz thankfully. „We had some help from Liz with that." he says without looking away. „Ok, and what are the other two announcements?" ducky once again breaks the silence. I silently ask Liz if she was ready and after her nod I let the bomb drop. „We are pregnant!" I announce smiling from ear to ear. „With twins." Liz adds happily. The happy shouts and congratulations followed instantly and after everyone calmed back down, we finally start to eat.
It was really late when the last one left Gibbs house. Tired but really really happy Liz and I head upstairs to go to sleep. Just tomorrow we are having another dinner party, this time with my teammates. Pulling Liz closer to my body, I slowly fall asleep.

When we land back in LA, I see Sam waiting in the arrival hall. Leading Liz over to him, he immediately hugs her closely and congratulates her on being pregnant. Sam also promises that he didn't tell anyone not even Hetty nor Michelle. Thanking him for keeping it a secret for us. We tell him about our plan of telling everyone at the family dinner this evening. When he lets us out infront of our house we say our good byes for now and went inside. Happy that we went shopping on our way back home we decided to relax for a bit before starting to cook.
Just as Liz takes the lasagne out of the oven the whole team arrived. We welcomed everyone in and exchange hugs. Granger especially seems happy that Liz is back in LA. I never thought that he would care for someone but every time I see him with Liz I feel like I judged him wrongly the hole time. If sensing my look he turns around and lifts a brow at me. Shaking my head I lead them all to the already set table while Liz went to get one and then the other pan of lasagne. The salads were already on the table so no need to get them. After everyone settles down and got something to drink I cough a little to get there attention. When they all are looking out was questionable I smile at them. Just like yesterday I start with having some good news we wanted to share with them but today there was no Gibbs to interrupt me. „So as you all know i left in a hurry to DC a few days ago without any explanation or anything. But after Gibbs called to scold me, demanding an answer about what i was thinking by letting his pregnant daughter fly to DC all by herself without any protection, I just had to fly there right away." seeing Sam smirking as they also not seem to get the message. Well everyone except Hetty and Michelle who instantly congratulate us. Which seems to confuse them all even more. „What he meant to say was that we are going to become parents." Liz says since they weren't getting any wiser. An uproar of congratulations were shouted at us while everyone began to ask questions over each other. While I didn't even try to answer any questions since it wouldn't be able at the moment Liz lifts her arm. Everyone instantly went silent, looking at her in disbelief she shrugs her shoulder. „I am not sure if I got every questions but I try. For starters i'm in the 12 week now, I found out the day I went to DC, we are really happy about it, dad was also more than happy and already told us he would babysit as often as we need him to, no we don't know the gender since i'm not that far along, yes it happened and wasn't planned, no the wedding is going as planned and yes Cal is definitely the father and that is good so Deeks!" she answers without taking a breath and follows up the last answer with a glare towards Deeks which promptly was followed by one of my own! „Oh and we nearly forget to tell you that we are getting twins!" i say after everyone got food on their plates. Smirking at their shocked faces I happily start to eat the delicious lasagne.
The evening kinda went on like the one yesterday which is good since everyone was really happy for us, but I had hoped for an early night sleep after we didn't get that much sleep the last night. Still it was an amazing evening with our extended family. Like yesterday I pulled Liz closer to me before falling asleep.

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