A happy surprise

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Liz's pov:
The last month was interesting, to say the least! After Cal told me about all the agencies wanting to give me a job I thought he was joking. But only the day after did I find out about how real it is. Maybe I shouldn't of hacked them all to see what their intentions are. I called dad to ask for advice and he told me to do what feels right. So I just waited to see what they would do or if they would do anything. I didn't have to wait long before the registration forms started to come in. For now I decided to ignore them and go on with my life. From time to time some agents or directors come and try to make me agree to work for them, but my answer always is the same. It's a really nice offer and I am honored but for now i'm happy with my life like it is. Cal always try's and fails to hide his laugh when I tell him about their disappointed faces. Every two weeks all of cal's co workers, including Owen and Hetty, come to our place for a family dinner. It really feels nice to have them all over and just hang out with friends, well more like family. Speaking of family i'm already on the airport to go fly to my dad. Feeling myself getting dizzy again I take a seat at the gate. Fishing for a water bottle and take some sips. This is getting ridiculous , maybe I should go to a doctor when I land in DC.
Getting out of the plane I feel myself getting dizzy yet again. Holding onto the wall to steady myself. Well seems like i'm going to the doctor sooner than I would of planned. Seeing my dad already walking over worriedly. „Is everything ok sweetheart? You look a little sick!" he says looking me up and down with a worried frown. „I'm fine dad, just a little dizzy! How about we go and see Abby?" I ask him trying to look happy and as well as I can. The skeptic look doesn't go away, still he leads me to his car.
The ride isn't long and before I know it I stand infront of Abby's lab. Taking a deep breath I went in to surprise her and maybe ask her to check my blood for me. After she engulfed me in a power hug and asks 100 questions at once in the usual Abby way, she pulls away and looks at me skeptical. „Ok, you look kinda sick? Are you sure you don't want to lay down a bit?" she asks me worriedly. „about that." looking around to make sure we are alone. Abby immediately understands and pulls me into her backoffice and closing the door with a click. „What is going on Liz?" she asks again. „Could you take a blood sample and ran a pregnancy test for me." I whisper quietly to her. The big smile that instantly appears on her face makes her look a tiny bit creepy to be honest! Before I could say anything I find myself in a hug again. She tells me how happy she is and how she is going to be the best aunt on the planet! Which I believe without a doubt!! „Hey quiet!! I don't want anyone to hear you Abbs!! And we don't know if I even am pregnant!" I try not to get her to hyped up, which isn't really a easy task! Still smiling like a maniac she points at a chair and pulls the supplies out that she needs. 5 minutes later we are back at her lab talking while we wait for one of her baby's to tell us the result. When Tim calls to ask me to help him with something upstairs I start to head up, but firstly instructed Abby to not even think about telling someone or looking at the result before i'm back. When I came upstairs, everyone is talking over each other while dad stands there only starring on a picture with murder in his eyes. „How can I help you guys?" I ask so they see that I am here. Instantly all eyes are on me. They try and hug me when dad instructs them to go back to work. Looking at him I realize that case must be something with a kid involved. Knowing that I instantly ask what I could do to help. He sits me on his desk and asks me to find something about a guy named Lukas Graham or where his car is. Nodding at him I instantly get to work. It doesn't take me long to find him on some cameras. Following him till he enters an old house. Dad is watching from behind me before he and his team leave to get him for interrogation. I delete every evidence that someone has hacked the cameras and went back to Abby. Just as I enter her lab one of her „baby's" starts beeping like crazy. „Is  this what I think it is?" I ask her a little scared. Abby still being extra giddy hugs me again before sitting me on her chair. „Ready?" she asks happily and after my nod she pulls up the result on her computer. Her shouted „YES!" was answer enough. Slowly a smile spreads on my face, I am pregnant!!! There is a little Cal in me!!! Abby is dancing crazily behind me while I don't know if I am more shocked or happy about being pregnant. Fuck! How am I going to tell Cal!? What if he doesn't want that baby? When the first tear slips out Abby pulls me into a hug and whispers reassuring words into my ear. „Didn't you always wanted kids?" she asks when my tears slowly subsided. „But I don't know about Cal? What if he doesn't want any? We never talked about starting a family of our own." I slowly hiccup out. She immediately hugs me again and starts to hush me. „I'm sure he wants some! He once even told me how he can't wait to start a family with you! Why don't you skype him?" looking skeptical at her. „When did you guys talked about that? Isn't that something I should tell him in person? I mean I don't even know how far I am." thinking about what I said she suddenly grins over her face again. „I call my doctor! I'm sure he could look how far along you are and then you can call cal and tell him. Oh and i'm sure he wants to know as fast as possible however it's over phone or personal!" nodding at her to ask her doctor for an appointment while I finally feel the happiness overpowering my doubts. When she calls another number I look questionable to her. „Hey Gibbs! Liz and I are heading out for about an hour if that's ok for you........ok! I call when we are back! By Gibbs!"  smiling brightly at me, she packs her bag and leads me to her car! „Let's go to meet my niece or nephew!" she announces smiling from ear to ear while I just laugh at her antics.
On our way back I can't stop to look at the ultrasound picture the doctor handed me. Not one but two little blobs are clearly to see! Smiling softly at the beautifulest blobs there are while a happy tear runs down my cheek. „So? should I tell dad or Cal first?" asking her without looking away from my two baby's. „Gibbs! Definitely Gibbs!! He is going to become over protective, Well both of them are going to drive you crazy with being overly protective! You now that right!?" she asks still happy as ever. „I know!" is all the answer I am going to give her right now since we are pulling up infront of the NCIS building. Going to her lab she calls Gibbs and tells him to come down. When he comes down she sits him down still smiling brightly. „What is going on Abbs? Liz? Are you ok, you look like you were crying?" He worriedly reaches out to me but I wave him of and hand him the ultrasound smiling from ear to ear. He looks at the ultrasound confused before realization over took his eyes. „You, you are pregnant?" he whispers while a big smile starts to form on his face. He pulls me close to him, hugging me with one arm while hugging Abby with the other arm. „Gosh you two grew up so fast!!! And now one of my baby's is getting a baby of their own!" he says with tears running down his face. Tony walks in, only to get shouted at by Abby so he instantly runs out. „Well technically, you are getting two grandchildren." I tell him smiling at him. He looks shocked at Abby who instantly starts laughing! „Not me Gibbs!!! Liz is getting twins!" Abby tells him. His smile only turn larger and larger. „Twins!" he whispers before kissing my forehead and caresses my stomach. „You have to be extra careful now! How could Cal let you fly alone!? I'm going to kill him!" he begins to rant before Abbs once again interrupts him. „He doesn't know! Liz asked me to run a blood test and when the test results came back positive we went to the doctor to find out how far along she is!" she tells him hurriedly. Smiling again at the two of us while shaking his head. „You two are incredible!" he says and pulls us once again into a hug! „Ok, lets skype him right away!" Abby says and already starts to open Skype on her computer. I walk over to close the lab door, even locking it before walking back to them. After the third ring Cal picks up. „Hey Abbs! Everything ok? You normaly never Skype me during work!" I see the background moving so I guess he is in a car. „Hey G! we need to talk, it's important!" dad says in his no bullshit tone. „Ok? Is Liz ok?" he asks worried. „I can sit in the next plane if necessary!" he adds quickly while Sam is telling him to relax in the background. „G, I told you to keep my daughter safe and you let her fly alone to dc while being pregnant!" dad says trying to sound stern while hiding his smile. „What are you talking about! I keep her safe! You know that!" he says immediately, not even realizing what dad said! Hearing Sam laugh in the background!! „G! Did you hear what he was saying?" he says while laughing. „That's not funny sam! I keep her safe! I do everything possible to keep her safe!" he sounds pissed of at sams brush off! „Cal? I need to show you something!" I say and hold the ultrasound infront of the camera. „Wait, is this what I think it is?" he asks in a whisper. „When you think it's a picture of your kid, then yes!" Abby tells him brightly. „Wow! I'm going to be a dad!! Oh my god!! Sam! I'm going to be a dad!!!" he shouts happily. „why didn't you tell me before flying? How could you fly on your own? Liz don't you know that you need to be more careful now that you are pregnant!" making Abby, dad and me laugh out loud! „What did I say!? They just found out and are already overly protective!" Abby says in between laughter. „Liz? I love you!" Cal says softly. „And I love you! Just as much as I love those two." I say while holding up 2 fingers since he still thinks it's just ONE baby. The shocked face is kinda funny to look at. Suddenly a hand appears in the back of his head and slaps Cal before disappear again. „Thanks Sam!" dad says, Handy still in his hand. „Did you just say, we are getting twins?" Cal asks with hopeful eyes. Nodding at him with a soft smile only makes his face light up even more. „Ok! I'm going to fly over to dc right away! I love you Liz!" he says before the skypecall ends.

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